More Bad Advice from the Washington Post

Dana Milbank at the Washington Post, perhaps setting out to prove that David Broder is falling behind the times in flinging partisan garbage at Democrats:

"In hiring Emanuel, Obama avoided the mistakes of his Democratic predecessors, who first gave the chief of staff job to besotted loyalists"

Democratic predecessors? DEMOCRATIC predecessors? Dana, I guess it didn't take you long to forget a guy by the name of Karl Rove, huh? There's a loyalist, and terminally corrupt in the bargain. I don't remember you taking exception to him. Oh, no, it's only wrong for a Democrat to have a chief of staff who is loyal. Far better to have one who sells him out to Max Baucus and Blanche Lincoln and Olympia Snowe every time victory is within reach. For Republicans, it's okay to employ people who cheat and lie and smear to get their way, bringing about a near depression in the process. But God forbid Democrats should hire aides who actually believe in the Democratic program.


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