Still a Scum, After All These Years

Joe Lieberman, of course. This, from Talking Points Memo:

"Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) appeared on MSNBC Thursday afternoon, and made a bold pronouncement on the political debates surrounding the interrogation of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the suspect in the attempted bombing of Flight 253: That critics of the White House should not be accused of aiding al-Qaeda.

The catch here is that during the Bush years, Lieberman himself made some similar comments about critics of the Iraq War -- saying that when they attacked the Bush administration they were harming America, or helping al-Qaeda, or attacking America's allies."

At this point it's hard to blame this self-important, vengeful blowhard any more than I blame the Senate Democrats for being too weak to do a damned thing, under Lieberman's constant backstabbing.

An Additional Comment: I just want to make it clear that I believe that Lieberman's behavior the last few years has absolutely nothing to do with ideology or what he believes is the best thing to do. Lieberman has developed a truly pathological hatred of the Democratic party, and all of his disgusting behavior is the result of a personal grievance. He does not even have the dignity of being able to hide behind a claim of sincerity, as he continues to abandon any position he formerly held, if it gives him a chance to harm Democrats. This is a truly degraded, sick individual, and there is no more blatant sign of the dysfunctional nature of our current Senate rules than the fact that he is able to cause so much damage.


Jean Valjean said…
Time to slap him down. Why won't Reid strip him of his perks?
Green Eagle said…
Why won't Reid strip him of his skin? God knows it's no more than he deserves.

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