Keeping Our American Values

The idea of a mosque a few blocks from the World Trade Center site drives 'em crazy, but they don't seem to mind that the tantrums of a greedy real estate developer have kept our great shrine to our national unpreparedness as nothing but a muddy hole in the ground for eight years.

Free enterprise, yeah! It's in the constitution! Somewhere... I think.


mastercynic said…
Sometimes I feel that a muddy hole in the ground is a perfectly fitting memorial.
Silverfiddle said…
Actually, a lot of people have criticized the fact that we haven't rebuilt there yet.

Do we still have the freedom to lampoon islam? Ask the formerly iconoclastic South Park writers.

Anyway, they have the right to build that mosque, and Americans that hate the idea have the right to criticize it.

Pissing off 2/3 of the country is a strange way to "build bridges" and promote "cultural understanding."

Will this planned mosque do that? Only time will tell.
Green Eagle said…
"Anyway, they have the right to build that mosque, and Americans that hate the idea have the right to criticize it."

Absolutely correct, Silverfiddle. Too bad none of your fellow right wingers, who seem to spend half their time inventing supposed attacks on their own religion, agree with you.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Oh no helps us Silverfiddle we no longer have the freedom to lampoon islam!

As if the islamic cultural center in NYC is about humor. Actually... It is! It's a joke, a sick one which highlights the face of Conservatism.

Conservatism is White Christian Fascism. Conservatives will never consider non-whites, non-Heteronormative, non-christians as Americans.

And it highlights the lies of Conservatives, who for all their bluster don't believe religious freedom and don't believe in limited government.

What conservatives believe in is using Government to oppress and murder those who don't conform to their stilted bigotry.
Silverfiddle said…
Wow, Gene. What a colossal tower of incoherent leftwing hate...
Green Eagle said…
"Wow, Gene. What a colossal tower of incoherent leftwing hate..."

Actually, Silverfiddle, I saw it as a colossal tower of coherent leftwing truth. Of course, being a conservative, you couldn't be expected to catch the difference.
Grung_e_Gene said…
Pointing out the truth about Conservatism to Christ Fascists like Silverfiddle equals hate.

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