Green Eagle Attempts to Calm Wingnut Outrage
Well, up at Gateway Pundit today, they are up in arms! They are furious! And with good cause too, I can assure you. You see, some private company held a little contest for graphic artists to submit new designs for American currency, with the winner to get a i-pad. And SOMEONE submitted a design featuring the COMMUNIST TERRORIST MUSLIM BARACK OBAMA! What an outrage! Well, here is the offending design, which I am sure will just raise the hackles on you, whatever hackles are:

This kind of disrespect for the Greatest Country on Earth is surely NOT TO BE TOLERATED! So Green Eagle has worked very hard to address this issue, by coming up on his own with a set of designs for our money which more adequately reflect true American values, and which certainly DO NOT feature any representation of the dreaded you-know-what:

I encourage you to click on my creative output, so you can see it larger, and decide for yourself whether these bills don't more fully portray our values as a nation. I just know that our right wing brethren will find these to be a truly inspired substitute for the evil, anti-American dollar bill suggestion that some traitorous company allowed to be in their contest.

This kind of disrespect for the Greatest Country on Earth is surely NOT TO BE TOLERATED! So Green Eagle has worked very hard to address this issue, by coming up on his own with a set of designs for our money which more adequately reflect true American values, and which certainly DO NOT feature any representation of the dreaded you-know-what:

I encourage you to click on my creative output, so you can see it larger, and decide for yourself whether these bills don't more fully portray our values as a nation. I just know that our right wing brethren will find these to be a truly inspired substitute for the evil, anti-American dollar bill suggestion that some traitorous company allowed to be in their contest.