You Have to Use It to Be Against It

The darling of the right, Ann Coulter, at Town Hall, showing her usual scintillating intellect:

"The rash of recent shooting incidents has led people who wouldn't know an AK-47 from a paintball gun to issue demands for more restrictions on guns."

Because, folks, you have to use it to be against it. By this logic, we expect her to have this to say soon:

"The rash of recent incidents has led people who wouldn't know methamphetamine from heroin to issue demands for more restrictions on dope."

or perhaps:

"The rash of recent suicide incidents has led people who have never committed suicide to issue demands for more restrictions on suicide."

or even:

"The rash of recent stupidity has led people who aren't even Republicans to issue demands for more restrictions on stupidity."

Ann, you've got to do better than this. You're making it too easy for me.


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