The Threat We Face

From World Net Daily (a real source of idiocy today):

"Brad O'Leary, the author of the latest WND Books release, "Shut Up, America! The End of Free Speech," will be a guest on Glenn Beck's Fox News TV show Monday....

The book explains how, as popular opposition to the reinstitution of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" mounts, Obama and the Democrat-dominated Congress will end-run critics with legislation that will curb dissent on talk radio......

O'Leary says the plan amounts to the development of party-approved "commissar committees" to censor.... debate...."

Party approved commissar committees. I wonder if that's Obama's actual name for these groups.

Actually, given as how this whole thing is as fictional as any other wingnut delusion these days, I kind of doubt that Obama used precisely that term. I'd like to know Mr. O'Leary's thought process that lead to this exact wording.


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