Spanish Indictments- Wingnut Lunacy

I had intended to hold off commenting on the very welcome news that the Spanish government is going to indict John Woo, et. al. for torture, until the official announcement is made. However, as this wonderful action is already generating the predicted right wing firestorm of outrage, I guess I'd better get going.

Here's a comment from another unhinged denizen of Red State, by the name of Moe Lane. I would be tempted to think that his real name is Moe Howard, if that Moe weren't dead:

"(T)he Daily Beast is reporting that six members of the Bush administration are going to be indicted in a Spanish court for offering legal advice. If the Obama administration does not make it clear that this is intolerable, the current people in government had best hope that the Democrats stay in power for the rest of eternity."

Moe, I know this is unlikely to get through to you , as I cannot explain it adequately in one-syllable words, but I'll try anyway. These people are not being indicted for offering legal advice. They are being indicted for collaborating in torture. Now, as getting advice from a lawyer is often barely distiguishable from torture, I can understand how your confusion might have arisen. Nevertheless, as their "legal advice" was a collection of specious lies and distortions that a three year old could see through, I would think that you could bring yourself to understand that the Yoo and Bybee memorandums were not legal advice, but malicious rationalizations for conduct that everyone knows to be not only illegal, but deeply degraded.

By the way, many lawyers in the past have been held liable for offering legal advice which they knew to be wrong, in furtherance of criminal behavior- a fact which I'm confident you know full well.

Now, as to your threat to take revenge against all Democrats in the government, if they dare to punish Republican criminality: We already know that today's Republican party is going to do anything it can to hurt Democrats, no matter how much damage it does to our country, so you might as well save your breath.
These people belong in prison, and every decent human being is going to applaud whoever manages to put them there.


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