Oh My God, What will Happen to Us?

Did you know that there are still PUMA blogs out there? Surprised that they (all 20 or 30 of them) didn't stick their heads in the oven when it became so clear what idiots they were? Here's a random sample of the insight they have to offer us.

"More Obama Cluelessness

Apparently as late at the Gordon Brown visit the new administration didn't even realize the Dept of State has a protocol office…"

Oh my God, the whole world is about to explode! The man they refer to as "Bambi the Stuttering Fool" didn't know there was a protocol office!

That's what you guys have on him? What about the guy that didn't know that, if you steal the country blind, it was going to cause trouble down the line somewhere? How do you feel about him? Just askin'.


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