Obama Bows!

From the somewhat amusingly named American Thinker:

"Obama bows down to Saudi King (updated)

Clarice Feldman I am quite certain that this is not the protocol, and is most unbecoming a President of the United States."

And, from our darling, Michelle Malkin:

"I hope all the lefties who tore into Bush over his Saudi prostration will express equal disgust with President HopeAndChange’s literal bowing and scraping to King Abdullah. When JWF sent a link to the photo with Obama bent down like a serf, I tried to give the benefit of the doubt."

Sure you did, Michelle, you always give Democrats the benefit of the doubt, don't you. Anyway, similar outrage can be found over this at many wingnut sites.

In order to be fair and balanced here, I thought I should reproduce the evidence of this horror:

Oh, wait a minute. Never mind.


Anonymous said…
One picture is worth a thousand words

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