More Republicans Want Out

This is a pretty good story, about the Georgia Senate passing a resolution, with only one dissenting vote, threatening to secede from the United States.

If it weren't for New Orleans, I'd be happy if they would take the whole South, from El Paso to Charleston. Just get out, guys. The rest of us are tired of supporting you economically while you lecture us about our failure to demonstrate a proper degree of Christian hatred.

Story via Americablog.


Anonymous said…
It's obvious the former Confederate states have trouble accepting a 'Negro', even though he happens to be one very smart, hard working 'Negro', as their President.

They had no trouble accepting the previous President who was incompetent, lazy, dishonest, often had trouble completing sentences when off-script, who, with his Republican Congress turned a budget surplus into a huge deficit and left his successor with a wrecked economy..........he was white
Green Eagle said…
Can't argue. If you read my post below about the three teabaggings I attended yesterday, you will know that the one conclusion I came away with is that this whole thing is about fear of minorities. I don't think they ever believed that one could win the election.
After all this time, it's pretty disgusting.

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