
Well, a right wing wacko kills three Pittsburgh policemen, and the Wingnuts are freaking. Don't you DARE blame any of this on easy access to guns! Why, this guy was perfectly reasonable in his fears that Obama was going to personally invade his house and take all of his guns, and probably the kitchen knives too! Confederate Yankee quotes the White House website to prove his point:
"....Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof.... "

and then sagely comments:
"All of those plans to further restrict the rights of Americans—and threaten the safety of police officers"

Because, as we all know, many policemen could not pass the background check that gun dealers must perform, and of course, most policemen are either children or criminals.

These people have such a high opinion of our boys in blue.


Curious said…
In the previous comment
Anonymous said...

"If Barack Obama's other orifice could speak, what would he say?(parody) BHO Taileprompter"

I've just read the comments on BHO Taileprompter.
I really tried to keep an open mind and find something that would give me a chuckle.

Maybe green eagle has an explanation as to why right wingnuts have never been successful at comedy/parody as far as I can remember.

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