Grand Jury Indicts Obama!

As I've already mentioned, this is a pretty boring day over in wingnut world, with bloggers spending most of their time congratulating themselves over the nonexistent effect of their teabag parties. Here, however, is one little nugget I've found, an instance of blathering from Renew America, which is rapidly becoming one of my favorite sources of lunacy. It is titled "Grand Jury recommends: indict Barry Soetoto, a.k.a. Barack Obama." Here's an excerpt from this scholarly analysis:

"Mr. Carl Swensson of the State of Georgia successfully organized a Common Law Grand Jury, and that Grand Jury reviewed evidence against Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Obama, and is recommending an indictment. The U.S. Attorney, who was presented with that recommendation, has refused to discuss it by saying, "We only deal with lawyers." Something World leaders had better understand and understand well: Obama and his mentally deranged friends are not going to destroy America any more than countless other socialist fascist fanatics have tried in the past......

If World leaders want to keep their jobs and keep their nations' economies intact, they would be smart to drop Obama like a hot potato. Obama and his backers are pulling a giant scam on the rest of the World, just as they have on American voters......

Americans have wised up. It is only the major media that keeps pounding the drums of the Obama lie. Nothing Obama does will continue. Everything he does will be retracted by a very near future administration."

I see. they started their own grand jury.

In another part of the article, they had this to say:

"Most Americans, including most Judges, most prosecutors, and most lawyers think a Grand Jury is a function of the government, at the whim of the government..... However, this is constitutionally false and always has been.

Americans are educated to believe that America has three branches of government: The Judicial, The Legislative and the Executive and that is they who decide our lives. This also is false."

Yes. False on the Planet of the Monkeys, where I believe these idiots live. Or are they perhaps referring to that fourth branch of the government in which resides the Vice President, and apparently the people in charge of indicting Whoever They Damn Please.

However, for the present, I am going to accept this notion, and form a Grand Jury of my own, consisting of me and my corgi dog (It doesn't say anywhere in the constitution that corgi dogs cannot be on grand juries.)
We have now handed down an indictment on Dick Cheney (with the corgi dog abstaining) and a summary judgement (it doesn't say anywhere in the constitution that grand juries can't deliver summary judgements) condemning Dick Cheney to a slow and agonizing death by parrot bites, for the crime of being a stupid, malicious human pig.

We will be forwarding our actions to the U. S. Attorney, where we expect the same expeditious response as was received by Mr. Carl Swensson.


Poll P. said…
keep capitalizing "World"?
Mark said…
I couldn't help but notice that you intentionally left out what the US COnstitution says about Grand Jury.
I also noticed that you intentionally left out that US Supreme COurt JUstice Antonin Scalia said:“In fact, the whole theory of it’s foundation is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between Government and the people."
Rather than misleading your readers, I have posted the entire article here, since you seem to be afraid to.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Anonymous said…
Hey, nice blog. However, the law states that it should use the rules of the Magna Carta to establish rules of the common law grand jury. Your dog cannot be a member of the grand jury. The one thing I do agree with you is that Dick Cheney should be indicted too. If you don't believe that our government is out of control, then you need help. If however you think it is, and you would like to change it, then lets prosecute them all.
Green Eagle said…
Thanks for your comment. All of this is meaningless if bloggers are just preaching to the choir.

In the first place, this notion is so ludicrous that it is not necessary to dignify it by a treatment short of derision.

Second, if you want to petition the government for redress of your so-called grievance, i.e. the gross criminality obviously involved in a Democrat being elected President, be my guest. Just don't call it an indictment, or I am going to start calling my posts Commands From God.

This kind of right wing nonsense simply does not deserve a serious response, and I am not going to help your cause by providing any evidence that it should be taken seriously.
Mark said…
You're pathetic. Typical Obama Zombie. PROVE it's ludicrous. You can't prove squat. All you know how to do is eliminate the true statements from my article and in classic Obama BOy fashion, insult and threaten. Go ahead call yourself God.
If "this kind of right wing nonsense doesn't deserve a response" WHY ARE YOU RESPONDING???
AND IF, "this notion is so ludicrous that it is not necessary to dignify it by a treatment short of derision."
If you can PROVE ONE THING in my article is wrong, POST IT!!
Bet you a $100 you can't.
You can dish it out, but you can't take it? What does that make you??
Now, what will the Commands From God be next?

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