As Instapundit would Say...

"As Instapundit Would Say, 'The Country's in the Best of Hands.'

This is reassuring. A hedge-fund manager declines to partake in Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's public-private partnership plan to save the banks because it "looks to us like the sort of thing that the S.E.C. and other regulators wouldn't allow if those of us in the private sector did it."

Let's skip the issue of the wisdom of taking advice these days from hedge fund managers.

You know, police are allowed to take certain people off the street and lock them in little rooms, which "regulators" might not allow if the private sector did it. Our soldiers are allowed to drive around in tanks, with bazookas and machine guns and stuff, which we private citizens are not allowed to do. The IRS is actually allowed to take money from people. I wish I could do that without being thrown in jail! The government is allowed to tell us where we can build our houses, and who can practice law, or be a contractor, which we private citizens are not allowed to do.

I guess that's just the way government is. How unfair.


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