Your Mainstream Media, or Why the Country is So Screwed

Mark Halperin on MSNBC this morning:

"I'm not sure how they think this appeals to voters to call out the Chamber of Commerce for allegedly using foreign money. It also seems a little strange to be demonizing the foreign. No one's advocating law-breaking but this boogey-word that they're using, 'foreign,' as if somehow anything that's foreign is bad....Also just talking incessantly about making accusations against the Chamber of Commerce, not some shadowy group, the chamber.... it's really mystifying."

Oh, of course no one cares if five corrupt Supreme Court justices have seen to it that the Chinese Communists or the Saudis (or Al Qaeda for that matter) can finance Republican political candidates.  American business has demonstrated how easy it is to buy Senators and Congressmen, but it would never occur to foreigners that spending a couple of billion dollars acquiring a few American politicians of their own might be a lot cheaper than going to war with us, and might be just as effective at destroying our economy.

And since it is now the accepted American rule that any Republican Senator, all by himself, has the right to stop any legislation, they won't have to buy too many to see to it that The World's Greatest Country is totally incapable of reacting to any threat.

And yet, Halperin seems stunned by the idea that Democrats would go after the Chamber of Commerce, despite its endless record of corrupt political interference on behalf of the rich.  How dare Dems question the motives of American businessmen, who have never acted in any way but to further our best interests as a country?

I've said it before- the Democrats can beat the Republicans with one hand tied behind their backs, but they can't beat the Republicans and the press together.


mastercynic said…
Local and national chambers of commerce have been fascist fronts since the thirties, but all the media was once virtually forced to become members if they hoped to stay in business - now, of course, they are willing and enthusiastic supporters.

Maybe some good news - today's Hollywood Reporter reportss that Twitter and Facebook are gradually draining talk radio's audience. Goodbye Rush, burn in junkie hell.

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