Our Wonderful Press At Work

Just a couple of examples today, via Daily Kos:

Wall Street Journal:  "But among outside campaign organizations, Democrats are being outgunned, helping erase the Democrats' overall financial advantage. This lets Republicans inject money into races where Democrats had a big cash advantage, leaving Democratic candidates more reliant on the get-out-the-vote activities of the largest labor unions."

"Outgunned" in this case roughly meaning "haven't been as quick to throw every shred of honesty and decency out the window in their rush to do whatever despicable thing serves the short term interest of the rich."

Chris Cilizza, Washington Post:  "The Obama administration's lifting Tuesday of the temporary moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico brings the first chapter of the devastating spill to a close.  The next chapter -- the spill's political impact -- is in the process of being written. But so far, it appears that if the spill does have a larger effect on politics, it will likely be felt in 2012 or 2016, not in 2010."

Translation:  Everything has to be good for the Republicans, and since no sign of this helping them has turned up this year, it's got to hurt the Dems in 2012 or 2016 or maybe in five hundred years or so.  It just makes sense.  And by the way, if it doesn't happen on its own, my friends and I in the mainstream press will bring it up then, when the American people have forgotten the details, and cram down their throats the narrative that everything Obama did was incompetent and weak.

And that's how sincere, honest leaders concerned with the interests of the American people are driven from office in favor of a pack of corrupt lunatics.  Welcome to the twenty first century.


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