Wingnut Wrapup- One Nation Edition

Well, we've seen over and over again the wild exaggerations and outright lies that wingnuts tell with abandon about their pathetic teabag rallies.  Now, how about taking a look at the other side of the coin, their treatment of last Saturday's liberal Washington rally, which, by all reasonable accounts, seems to have outdrawn the massively promoted Glenn Beck Honlypalooza of a few weeks ago.

We'll start with possibly the worst of the serial prevaricators on this subject, Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit:

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "HOW SAD. Poor Leftists Speak to Empty Field at One Nation Rally...The wacky dishonest left wants you to believe that their crowd matched the Glenn Beck rally last month.  What a crock.  Only a couple of hundred stragglers hung out for the One Nation rally Saturday in Washington DC."

Jim illustrated his article with the following photo, which he claimed represented the turnout at the demonstration:

Contrast this to the following image, actually taken during the event, from approximately the same place.

People who have followed my coverage of teabag events will know that I have made it a strict policy to always publish the largest crowd pictures of these events I can find.  No such decency from those on the right, needless to say.  I know you will not be surprised to discover that Hoft's picture was featured at many right wing accounts of this event.

Well, let's move on to more of their garbage:

Confederate Wankee:  "Pro-Depression Rally In DC Today

Of course that isn't what they are calling it, but how else do you characterize 400 left-wing groups that are coming together to protest for the policies of bailouts, takeovers, bullying and bigger government that has this nation spiraling deeper in debt and away from prosperity?

Americans are sick and tired of progressives prospering at the expense of our current economy, our nation's culture, and the future of our children. We don't was to see our nation decline into a second-rate nation so that you can file hate crimes charges at someone who turns up their nose just because you decide to prance down the street in high heels and a feather boa.

Bus in your paid-for day laborers, freaks and thugs, your stoners and university Marxists, your limousine liberals, eco-fascists, and racial supremacist groups. It will not matter."

What, Mr. Yankee, that's all the lies you could think of?  A "Pro-Depression" rally by the people who stopped your depression and generated over three million jobs.  How interesting.  As for the rest of your lies, sorry, I can't be bothered to comment on them.

Charlie Martin, Pajamas Media:  "The widely publicized, heavily subsidized “One Nation” rally was Saturday in Washington, D.C...Some of the initial reports were very positive: the organizers estimated 175,000 to 200,000 attendees...All things considered, I think the best estimate, finally, is that Beck attracted somewhere between 250,000 and 400,000 people."

Might as well trot out the same old lies about the Beck rally, since the liberals clearly outdrew him on very short notice.

John Rossomando, Newsmax:  "Communist Backing for 'One Nation' March Raises Eyebrows...“I guess the liberal/progressive left and communist left are closer than ever. There seems to be a surge in confidence and a lot of common ground.”

Oy, Communism. Hasn't our nation moved past this yet?

Warner Todd Huston, Renew America:  "Lefty rally at Lincoln Memorial gets glad handed by Old Media, but event a bust...Naturally the Old Media is doing its level best to pump up the "One Nation" rally. The lefty protest is gathering in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C. today, Oct. 2. But despite the glowing reports by the media there is no denying the fact that few people have turned out for the anti-Tea Party event sponsored by some 400 of America's most extreme left-wing organizations and their associates in uniondom."

Of course, the exact opposite is true.  It was their rally that got the red carpet treatment from the media, while ours was almost totally ignored; yet more people turned out for this march than for the wingnut celebrity studded and massively financed hatefest that the right put on.

Connie Hair, Human Events:  "Proud Socialists March at Left-Wing Protest in D.C."

And?  What's your point?  How about the proud race baiting fascists that marched at yours?

Astute Bloggers:  "UPDATED - "ONE NATION" RALLY A HUGE FAILURE...400 organization sponsored it - including big unions - but they only got "tens of thousands" at best."

Of course, Glenn Beck only got "tens of thousands" after months of free promotion, but that was a gigantic success.

Believe me, there was plenty more along these lines.  Who needs it?  Unfortunately, these people correctly realize that it's not what really happens at these events that counts, it's what the American people think has happened.  And, as long as they have the press on their side, our demonstrations vanish into the mist, while their phony, bought and paid for events are endlessly trumpeted as the visible face of a mighty movement.


Silverfiddle said…
"which, by all reasonable accounts, seems to have outdrawn the massively promoted Glenn Beck Honlypalooza of a few weeks ago."


Responsible news organizations disagree with you:

Organizers claimed they had as many participants as Beck's rally. But
Saturday's crowds were less dense and didn't reach as far to the edges
as they did during Beck's rally. (Yahoo News)

At first, the capital police thought it was a drug deal going down.

I tuned into CSPAN and saw a red-faced man ranting at the crowd and thought is was a Hugo Chavez speech live from Venezuela, turns out it was some guy speaking an angry form or English named Ed Shorts, or something like than.

When I saw Bullhorn Buffoon Al Sharpton I figured out what it was.

Next time they have one of these I heard they'll hold it in a phone booth to save money...

Nice wrap-up. Keep up the good work!
Silverfiddle said…
I guess you haven't read your liberal talking points today. They've given up the big, laughable lie that this commie-fest outdid Glenn Beck and are not moving on to

<a href=">Size Doesn't Matter</a>

And that's from the huff and puff po, so you know it's the good propaganda!

WaPo was charitable, saying "tens of thousands" were bussed in by their community organizers.
Leslie Parsley said…
I thought it was a great post. Too bad SF had to spread his ugly shit and ruing it all.
Silverfiddle said…
It was rude of me to burst the fantasy bubble...
Leslie Parsley said…
My bubble is still big and beautiful. As I've said elsewhere, this rally did not get ANY pre-publicity from the MSM. Nor were the participants brought there in big busses that were paid for by the Koch Bros - along with their food and hotel bills.
Silverfiddle said…
True. They were bussed in by communist and socialist organizations funded by international currency manipulator George Soros, not to mention taxpayer-provided union funds that are supposed to go to the workers.

btw, you shouldn't let anything burst your bubble. Doing so gives others control over your life.

I'm here in Obama's America playing my fiddle and singing with my young daughter. Life is beautiful regardless how ugly politics is.
Green Eagle said…
"They were bussed in by communist and socialist organizations funded by international currency manipulator George Soros"

Silverfiddle, like all right wingers, in the end you come down to nothing but repeating the usual Republican smears and lies.

Nothing you say can change the fact that the tea party movement, as I have spent the last two years extensively documenting, is a mirage, financed by billionaires and promoted by right wing propaganda mills. Compared to what we used to produce during the anti-Vietnam days, it has been a ludicrous failure; and it cannot, with all of the money and free publicity, come anywhere close to the size of demonstrations that took place against the Iraq aggression a few years ago- demonstrations that were not financed by the rich and which were ignored by the captive right wing "mainstream" press in this country, rather than being promoted endlessly in an orgy of synthetic reporting.

People like you, Silverfiddle- stupid, ignorant, greedy, racist, morally bankrupt people- are ruining this country. Thanks a lot.
Silverfiddle said…
The tea party doesn't mobilize the numbers of the hippie left because it is full of regularly-bathed working people who don't have time to stink up the streets the way the angry violent left does.

The apotheosis of the left was on full display two years ago when leftists were caught vandalizing the Democrat party headquarters in Denver.

I don't know if they were high on drugs, hell bent on destroying something, or just dazed and confused...
Green Eagle said…
Great point there, Silverfiddle, made with the maturity we have come to expect from people like you.

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