More From the Deeply Moral Republican Party

Sharron Angle:

"We as a nation have been walking away from our constitutional freedom and relying on government instead to take care of the widow and the orphan."

Which, of course, involves our "constitutional freedom" not to take care of the widow and the orphan.

Which one do you think these Republican sons of bitches intend to deliver if they take over again?  They're against Social Security, they're against unemployment insurance, they're against the minimum wage; in fact they're against everything except more money for the rich criminals who paid to put them in office.  What do they care for widows and orphans?

And once again, they have managed to plunder the country into near-oblivion, and then succeed, by outspending Democrats 9 to 1, in convincing the American people that the Democrats are to blame for not being able, in a year and a half, to correct the damage Republicans have done to our country in thirty years of dedicated treachery.


Poll P. said…
I can't quite figure how we're going to get out of this mess.
Green Eagle said…
I just hope it's not the way the last country got out of a mess like this- hire a dictator, kill 50 million people and then get the crap beaten out of them.
Lisa said…
try 3 years 2007. I'd be willing to give a new breed a shot.
Democrats had control of congress which is also conrol of the pocketbook for the last 40 out of 50 years.
And we can see how well democrats have done with all the inner cities they run. More crime more single mothers,less graduations.
Green Eagle said…

Come to treat us with more (false) racist ravings, huh?

We've only known you for a few days, and already we feel like we've known you for years.

Maybe that's because you do nothing but spew the same phony history that every other Republican does.

The budget deficits in this country are almost entirely due to the actions of the Reagan, and two Bush presidencies. You know this perfectly well, but you come here to claim something different. And as for the inner cities, what you have to say is nothing but racist code language.

You are ruining our country.
Lisa said…
What so now you can't even connect democrats and inner cities without being called a racist? Pefect example is Chicago.

GE you think democrats have done well with the inner cities?
Juliani did well with NYC and got more people working.
Anonymous said…
Julianni? I know a gay pornn star with that name...
Lisa said…
Oh anon is a homophobe.

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