Stewart/Colbert Outdraw Beck

I'm not going to get into some sort of mud slinging contest about who showed up when.  Let me just report that the same crowd-estimating company that put the size of the Glenn Beck rally at 87,000, estimated the Stewart/Colbert one at 215,000, or just under 2 1/2 times the number that Beck, Fox News, Dick Armey and the Koch brothers managed to get out with their millions of dollars and months of free promotion on Fox.

And this was all done almost on the spur of the moment, without endless provoking of racism, hatred and misplaced anger.  So, just which side is the real silent majority in this country?

And this, of course:  I couldn't resist going over to Gateway Pundit to see what Jim Hoft, possibly the biggest perpetual liar about the size of teabagger crowds had to say about this:

"Beck’s Restoring Honor Crowd vs. Stewart’s Restoring Sanity Crowd

On of the announcers today at the Restoring Sanity Rally in Washington DC said 150,000 people had turned out. That might have been a stretch.

At least 500,000 showed up at Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally."

87,000 becomes 500,000; 215,000 becomes less than 150,000.  Well, what do you expect from people that can't tell the truth about anything.  Sad to say, with the right, lies are a perfect substitute for truth.


cardinal44 said…
what about their economic policies ever made you think they could count?
PRH said…
Needless to say, you left wing shill...noting at Beck's Rally was about Racism...he outdrew the little runt by 2 to 1 at least...your head is going to explode on Wednesday, and I'll be back to laugh.
Green Eagle said…
"he outdrew the little runt by 2 to 1 at least"


"noting at Beck's Rally was about Racism"

Everything was about racism. Oh, excuse me, I was wrong. Everything was about racism except the part that was about greed.

And by the way, thanks for the concern about the welfare of my head, but really, it survived eight years of Bush and Cheney. I think it'll make it through tomorrow.

Please, do come back, though. I know that some bloggers on both sides have a very limited tolerance for opposing viewpoints, but I am happy to have you express your opinion here. I've never banned anyone, and I've only discouraged people who abandoned the issues to engage in nothing but personal attacks.

If you've read my blog, you know I'm pretty blunt with people I disagree with. If you can deal with that, I hope to hear from you again.
Green Eagle said…
P.S. PRH- I just looked at your profile, and I notice that you are an umpire. Well, I guess whatever gets thrown at you here will be small potatoes after that.
Lisa said…
I heard there was a cloud of pot smoke hovering the crowd.
It used to be pot smokers protested the government. Yep this is our future gotta keep them numb,happy and oblivious.

By the way where were all the black people and Hispanics?

"Everything was about racism"
Link some evidence.

I won't hold my breath
Green Eagle said…
Just curious, Lisa, what actual familiarity do you have with pot smokers or people who protested the government back in the day?
magpie said…
Mr Eagle.... I don't think some of your commenters understand what racism is.

They... really don't get it.

They try to appropriate the term for their own agenda, but it's clear they really haven't grasped the concept.

Green Eagle said…
You know, Magpie, racism is not so hard to understand. I agree with your comment, but only if it is understood that it takes an act of will not to "understand" what racism is.

One more proof of Green Eagle's maxim that there's no one easier to lie to than yourself.

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