Wingnut Wrapup

Yeah, I've got another load of their garbage to spill:

Phyllis Schlafly, Town Hall:  "Already tasting victory in November, Republicans in Congress issued "A Pledge to America" setting forth their goals. The principal thrust is to reassure Americans that Republicans will, indeed, offer "a clear and clearly different approach" to Barack Obama's policies."

A clear approach- twenty pages of jingoistic gibberish.  That will really help.

Dennis Prager, Town Hall:  "If You Are Not a Leftist, Why Are You Voting Democrat?"

Maybe because you don't want another depression?

Erick Erickson, Red State:  " American Stalin: Alan Grayson"

Now Grayson is Stalin.  I thought it was Obama.  Listen, Erick, there isn't room in Washington for two Stalins.

Town Hall:  "Alan Grayson: Hates Children, Hates Seniors, Loves Satan"

Nothing like reasoned political discourse.  Boy, they sure hate this guy, huh?  Just in case you find this as annoying as I do, here's where you can go to make a contribution.

Confederate Yankee:  "My One-and-Only Christine O'Donnell Post...From where I sit, however, it is better to vote for the lesser of two evils"

Which turns out to be a mentally ill, deranged lunatic, rather than a liberal.

Wes Vernon, Renew America:  "Get rid of the building codes forced from the left by government-diktat (separating where we live from where we work from where we shop), and let's see if the demand rises to the point where abundant availability pulls down the cost of living in urban-style communities."

Yes sir, you can have all the cheap housing you want, as long as you don't mind living next door to a slaugherhouse, in a windowless box with no plumbing or electricity.  That's why we have building codes, you know, to keep people from having to live in places like that.  But if it's okay with you for the American people to live in a place like Soweto, how about you moving in first, Wes?

John Hinderaker, Power Line:  "The situation in Mexico is a disaster, and one that directly threatens our national security...I don't know what the solution is--other than the obvious, a massive application of police/military force to kill the criminals"

Well, of course, John, the only solution that would occur to you is killing a lot of brown people.  How about helping them improve their economy? Oh no, that would harm the "competitivenenss" of American business, which would no longer be able to get their labor really cheap.  So, let's just go back to the killing brown people plan.

Erick Erickson, Red State:  "This was not an unforeseen consequence of Obamacare. This was not unknown. This was not unexpected.  It was predicted.  McDonald’s is planning to drop the healthcare coverage of 30,000 employees unless the Obama Administration waives certain rules related to coverage."

So it's all Obama's fault that the corporations to which you have sold your soul are blackmailing their own workers to get their way, right?  Well, I guess we should just give up and do nothing that doesn't suit the rich.  I mean, giving in to blackmail, that's the way we want our President to show American strength, right?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit:  "Horrible. Far Left Fabricates Maid Sob Story to Smear Meg Whitman"

"Fabricates" in this case being roughly translatable as "reports the truth."

World Net Daily:  "Terror probe targets couple with links to president...Feds target former leader of Chicago-based socialist party"

Funny no conservative outrage when a "terror probe" targeted a family closely connected with the last President: the Bin Ladens.  No, that was just business as usual.  Nothing to see there.  And what sort of terrorist acts were these friends of Obama planning?

"Among the New Party's stated objectives were "full employment, a shorter work week, and a guaranteed minimum income for all adults; a universal 'social wage' to include such basic benefits as health care, child care, vacation time and lifelong access to education and training; a systematic phase-in of comparable worth and like programs to ensure gender equity."

Full employment a shorter work week and universal health care- I'm stricken with terror just thinking about it.


And you probably can, too, considering that there are about twelve of them in the United States.

Erick Erickson, Red State:  "John Thune’s Tan Is Starting to Resemble Toast"

At least it doesn't resemble orange marmalade.

Kevin Price, Renew America:  "Job creation policies" should address causes and not symptoms"

And how to address the causes of unemployment?  I know this is going to surprise you, but the answer is to eliminate the minimum wage, eliminate the income tax and eliminate all corporate taxes.  That'll do it, yup.

Things never change.


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