Get Ready For The Screaming

I have noticed, the last couple of weeks, a dramatic increase on the right wing blogs of fearmongering about the virtually nonexistent, phantom phenomenon of Democratic vote fraud.  Despite the fact that, for fifty years, there has been exactly zero evidence of any such thing, Conservative after Conservative is speaking out in terror at this supposed threat.

Should it somehow happen that, despite the best efforts of the Democratic party to once again roll over and play dead, and despite the newly found Republican financial resources in Communist China, the American people fail to turn the country back to the corrupt lunatics who almost destroyed us two years ago, the Republicans are carefully preparing the groundwork for a campaign to convince us that the election was stolen by the Democrats through a vast conspiracy of election fraud.

And believe me, in a country that cannot even put to death the persistent lies that letting black people buy homes caused a near depression, or that Ronald Reagan was anything but a corrupt criminal, we can expect such a massive deception to have a lifespan of decades.

I know the likelihood of the Republicans needing this strategy is somewhat remote; still, nothing is going to stop them from preparing the ground for another grand lie.  After all, every birther out there will instantly sign on to it, so they can start with about a quarter of the voters on their side, and go from there.


Grung_e_Gene said…
The vast majority of conservatives are bigots and racists. As such, racists will support any Republican effort to disenfranchise entire swaths of people *African-Americans and poor persons* who are known not to vote for the rich cock stroking Republicans.
Shaw Kenawe said…
Hmmmm. As far as I can determine, there are no Nazi re-enactors in the Democratic party, nor have I ever received from any liberal friends of mine any emails showing President Obama eating watermelons.

The GOP attracts bigots and crackpots, q.v., Christine O'Donnell, Rand Paul, Carl Paladino, and the queen of crackpots: Sarah Palin.
Anonymous said…
IF ONLY... but the Dems can't replicate the Republican's past swindles in Ohio and Florida because the voting machines are built by Republican companies.

And I was always told that turnabout is fair play...
Silverfiddle said…
Voting machines should be outlawed.

No motor voter. Go to the county every two years to register to vote.

No vote by mail. you must show up at the polling place.

State-approved ID to register and vote. If you're too poor or don't drive, the state can give you an ID card.

Taking these actions would make vote fraud much harder to pull off.
Green Eagle said…
Shaw, the GOP GENERATES crackpots. They've got to get their base from somewhere.

And as for you, Silverfiddle, you know perfectly well that there has never, ever been a shred of substantiation for the endless Republican claims about Democratic voter fraud, which exist only to distract attention from systematic, decades-long Republican efforts to prevent Democratic constituencies from casting their ballots.
Grung_e_Gene said…
"No vote by mail. you must show up at the polling place."

Didn't you vote by mail from Iraq?

Voter Fraud allegations are merely racist Republican scare the white people propaganda, look how well they worked on the bad ass former military man Silverfiddle. He's more afraid of completely unfounded ACORN allegations than with facing bullets and mortars.

Of course, that's saying something as the vast majority of conservatives are chicken hawk cowards.
Green Eagle said…
We count on you, Gene, to lay it on the line.
Silverfiddle said…
Yes I did, Gene. Special case, but being from Illinois, where they trample the right to vote for troops serving, I'd expect such an idiotic question from you.
Green Eagle said…
It's idiotic to ask Silverfiddle whether he has availed himself of the very same rules that he has attacking.

You know what, Gene? He's right. It IS idiotic to expect him to show a shred of discomfort over his own hypocrisy.
Silverfiddle said…
If you can't see the difference between mail in voting for DoD and State Department people, and people just too lazy to go to the poll, there's no help for you.

But again, you guys voted for Al Gore, who did his damndest to suppress the military vote in Florida...

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