Incisive Political Analysis Again from David Broder

The Dean of our Washington Press Corps, working as hard as he can to show how little intelligence or knowledge (or common human decency) is required to be a nationally respected pundit these days:

"if Obama cannot spur growth by 2012, he is unlikely to be reelected.

Can Obama harness the forces that might spur new growth? This is the key question for the next two years.

What...might affect the economy? The answer is obvious, but its implications are frightening. War and peace influence the economy."

Well, apparently the implications are not too frightening to prevent David Broder from suggesting it.

"Look back at FDR and the Great Depression. What finally resolved that economic crisis? World War II."

As I pointed out just the other day, this is nothing but a Republican lie.  Can Broder be so ignorant as to not know the history of this period, before deciding to pontificate about it to the entire nation? Or is he nothing but one more cheap Republican shill, screaming out their canned talking points on order?

"Here is where Obama is likely to prevail. With strong Republican support in Congress for challenging Iran's ambition to become a nuclear power, he can spend much of 2011 and 2012 orchestrating a showdown with the mullahs. This will help him politically because the opposition party will be urging him on. And as tensions rise and we accelerate preparations for war, the economy will improve."

Yes, this is David Broder's answer to our economic problems.  Not reform of Wall Street, not stimulus, not generating jobs; my God, not even the usual rght wing cant about balancing the budget.  No, let's go 12,000 miles away, and kill a million or so innocent people,  in order to revive the real estate market here at home.  And let's make sure that we pick a country that can't possibly attack us in return. That way, their citizens can suffer maiming and mass death, so we can have more money, without any fear that we would have to bear a similar fate.  Who gives a damn about the lives of people over there, when killing them might restore some value to David Broder's Washington house?  I don't think I need to comment about the perversion that lies behind this kind of thinking; yet he is rewarded with a platform in the Washington Post to spread his nauseating views far and wide.

And now, the punch line to this whole sick joke:

"I am not suggesting, of course, that the president incite a war to get reelected."

Yes, David, you lying monster, that is exactly what you are suggesting.  Even you know how morally abominable that suggestion is, so you have to add your lying disclaimer at the end, but in the name of God, how can you expect to delude anyone on earth that you are not suggesting that the President start a war of aggression, to benefit himself?  After all, it worked great for Bush and Cheney, and you were all for that.  It worked just great. Except for the winning part, of course.


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