Wingnut Wrapup

Yes, it's that time again. Here we go, down into the sewer:

Let's start with some great examples of right wing projection- one of their favorite things:

Bruce Bialosky, Town Hall:  "The Road to Serfdom This election will determine whether we surrender to the Washington oligarchy and the media elites or we reassert the values that have been the shining hallmark of this great country for over 200 years."

You've got that right, Bruce.  You just really got mixed up about which side is going to turn us into serfs.  Here's a hint:  the party that is trying to turn the whole country over to the rich and leave the rest of us with nothing is the one you should be complaining about, not the one that wants us to have health care and job security.  Figured it out now?

Guy Benson, Town Hall:  "Keeping It Classy: The Top Ten Most Disgraceful Democratic Attack Ads of 2010...So Far"

He couldn't write this article about the Republicans, because he'd have to include about ten thousand of their ads.  It would be funny to try to find even ten honest Republican ads.  Like, Maybe:  "Vote for Me, so I can Steal You Blind, and Then Laugh About It On My Yacht with All of my Rich Friends, while You Die In Poverty, because Who Gives a Damn about You.  That's What I Did Last Time- Let's Try It Again."

Austin Hill, Town Hall:  "Obama Undermines Hard Work and People Who Play By The Rules"

Like the guys on Wall Street.  They play by the rules- the rule that whatever they get their hands on is okay, and to hell with everyone else.  That's the rule the teabaggers think they are going to get to play by too, the greedy suckers.  Actually, their rule is going to be work all your life and then have everything stolen so some rich Republican can have a billion dollar income.  And then get really furious with Democrats.

Ed Driscoll, Pajamas Media:  "The left's closing argument with little more than one week left in the midterms? Hatred, xenophobia, and bile, with the volume — and the IQ — set to 11."

Man, these guys need to look in the mirror.

And now, the Incredible, Almost Unbelievable Right Wing Delusion of the Month:

Star Parker, Town Hall:  "Justice Thomas’s performance on the Court over these twenty years has been exemplary...his scholarship, professionalism, and original contributions are well established. "

His scholarship and original contributions, consisting of spending twenty years doing whatever Antonin Scalia tells him to, and otherwise, not having a thing to say.  Except apparently about pubic hairs.

Wayne Grudem, Town Hall:  "Pastors, not the government, should decide when they can speak about candidates from the pulpit "

But of course, don't you dare threaten their tax exemptions.  We have to pay for whatever these lunatics want to force on the American public. Look how much good it's doing us.

Chris Salcedo, Pajamas Media:  "Latinos Go Conservative"

On Mars.  And that's only because the Latinos on Mars have never met a conservative.  Apparently, only white people are stupid enough to fall for their crap here on Earth.

J. R. Dieckman, Renew America:  "NASCAR turning hard left"

The bastards.  You can't count on anyone these days.

Arlen Williams, Renew America:  "The strategy behind Neal Rauhauser's Twittergate: social media Marxofascism by progressives, Part 1"

Oh God.  I have to confess I never got any farther into this one than the title.  What the hell is this guy babbling about now?  Maybe I'll make it farther into parts 2, 3, 4, and for all I know, parts 5 through 3000.  I'll let you know.  No, I promise.  No, no, it's no trouble.  Don't worry, I'm on it.

Darryl Issa, Renew America:  "Issa: GOP House won't look to impeach Obama"

Yes they will.  How stupid do you think we are?

Red State:  "As Americans, do we really want to become another Europe?"

Hell, no!  Apparently, we want to become another El Salvador. 

Erick Erickson, Red State:  "This is How the Democrats Will Try to Steal the Election"

By voting.  The bastards.  That was the dirty trick they used in the last two elections, and I wouldn't put it past the low dogs to try it again and again, until someone who believes in the Constitution puts a stop to that kind of nonsense.

Joseph Farah, World Net Daily:  "When Barack Obama tells Hispanics to "punish our enemies," whom is he talking about? "

YOU, Joseph.  He's talking about you.  Got it straight now?

Joseph Pecar, Renew America:  "Open letter to America's black Catholic bishops"

Well, this one was so stupid that I'm just going to substitute my own open letter to America's black Catholic bishops:  "Get it together, guys! What kind of Catholic bishops are you, anyway?  Not a single one of you has had anything to do with covering up for pedophile priests.  It's about time you  learn to be team players."

Confederate Yankee, on the beating of a liberal woman by Rand Paul supporters:  "supporters on both sides acted like animals"

And Here's Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft, with his ever-reasoned approach:  "UNHINGED LEFTIST Who Lunged at Rand Paul Is Paid Far Left Activist"

But I guess no one tops Ann Althouse on this one:  "why do you think the men were not detained so they could be arrested? Do you think there is any chance that all participants were from The women was a fake Paul supporter identified with a label. How do we know the men weren't that too? Dirty tricks. We know she started off on a dirty trick. Were the guys who stopped her part of the trick? If not, why didn't she interact more with the police over her injuries? Why didn't the people in the crowd detain the thugs? Isn't this rather fishy? "

Why didn't the people in the crowd detain the thugs?  Here's my guess: being teabaggers, they thought beating the crap out of a helpless Democratic woman was a real manly way to spend the time until they could luxuriate in some more lies from Rand Paul.  How's that for a guess?

No correction from Ann, of course, now that we know the truth.  What would you expect?


Poll P. said…
One of the most-telling comments I've run across recently, is the explanation that the Crystal Cathedral people had their congregation leached away by the churches preaching 'the gospel of prosperity'. Gospel of Greed, pure and simple.

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