Apologize, Woman
This sage reflection from the Rand Paul operative who stomped on a woman's head, giving her a concussion:
I've talked before about the inability of conservatives to accept the least responsibility for the damage they have done. Could there be a better example?
“I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.” And astonishingly, asked if he planned to apologize directly the activist Lauren Valle whose head he stomped on, Profitt said, “I would like for her to apologize to me to be honest with you."
Apolgize for the brain injury he inflicted on her.
I think we owe a big thank you to Dick Cheney, who established that if you are a Republican, it's perfectly okay to assault and seriously injure someone, and then demand that your victim do the apologizing.
She had the wig on to disguise herself being she was already arrested for being an agitator.