Wingnut Wrapup

It's that time again...they keep cranking out the garbage, and Green Eagle needs somewhere to put it.  Here's the latest junk the right is spewing out, in its never-ending quest to destroy us all:

Michelle Malkin, Town Hall:  "The Two Faces of Michelle Obama...Michelle Obama, money-grubber for the liberal elite."

A little defensive, huh, Michelle?  She's a money grubber, but the Republicans that are letting Red China spend money trying to elect them are just wonderful.  Michelle earns the rare distinction, usually shared only by Jim Hoft and Joseph Farah, of having said two things so stupid that they made it into Wingnut Wrapup today:

Michelle Malkin, Town Hall:  "environmental ghouls are on the haunt. A sadistic video released by global warming fear-mongers reveals an inconvenient truth about eco-radicals: They despise the very children for whom they claim to be saving the planet."

Of course, Republicans love the little children, which they are proving by destroying the planet the children will have to live in, on behalf of rich people who want more money now!

Red State:  "New Haven, Connecticut, like so many other cities, is contending with public union contracts in the face of declining tax revenues. As a result, as is happening throughout the country, the mayor of New Haven is trying to re-negotiate those contracts. The public employee unions don’t like that...It is curious to think that union bosses are actually puzzled about why they no longer have public support."

Because why would anyone support the unions after they engaged in the self-serving, partisan, unforgivable behavior of expecting the city to keep the terms of the contract it made with them?  No, it is their patriotic duty to just roll over and let their bosses slash their wages, so Republicans who don't want to pay for the services they use can have more tax cuts.

Confederate Yankee:  " Vice President Joe Biden has told Democrats at a Minnesota fundraiser that he'll "strangle" members of the GOP who complain about the federal budget.  I'm complaining, Joe. And like tens of millions of other Americans—Republican, Independent and Democrat—I'm a gun owner."

Mr. Yankee, you are also an asshole.  Joe Biden was kidding; I don't think you are.  Thank heaven that, like all of the conservatives that run around shouting this kind of nonsense, you are too cowardly to do anything about it.

Gateway Pundit:  "Violent Joe Biden on Republicans: “I’ll Strangle Them”

Because he really meant it.  This is another award winner in Green Eagle's running "phony scandals that are going nowhere" contest.

Arlen Williams, Renew America:  "Have you been in a "dialectic debate" (a-hem) an argument with a Democrat or other self-described non-"right-wing-nut-job" lately, about the fact that America's progressive-dominated Democrats are, by the fruit of their labors, Marxists?  I have had a taste of this kind of argument and it seems a pattern is developing: the victim of progressive education in the discussion tends to ask one or both of these questions:  Do you even know what a Marxist is? or Have you even read Marx? the time the victim asks one of these two questions, he already signals the defeat of his argument by his recourse to personal insult and curse"

Because it is a personal insult to a conservative to expect them to know anything about what they are screaming about.

Aaron Klein, World Net Daily:  "Communism has taken over theaters in Los Angeles"

Theatres in Los Angeles?   Who cares?  Really, I mean it.  Who cares?

World Net Daily:  "Very important open letter to WND readers"

Buy our crap.  Send us money.  Very Important.

Pam Schuffert, American Holocaust:  "I was recently informed by a retired military source, that NC legislation had just been passed stating that, IN A DECLARED "STATE OF EMERGENCY" CAUSING FORCED EVACUATION, NC CITIZENS WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE THEIR ARMS WITH THEM WHEN FLEEING THEIR HOMES AND EVACUATING THE AREA AFFECTED."

God, I hope they let them keep their legs, or they are going to have trouble fleeing.

Charles Krauthammer:  ""What kind of commander in chief sends tens of thousands of troops to war announcing in advance a fixed date for beginning their withdrawal? One who doesn't have his heart in it. One who doesn't really want to win but is making some kind of political gesture."

Listen, you dick, what kind of president sends tens of thousands of troops to war based on a pack of lies, and in service of a monstrous act of pure aggression?  I never heard you complain about that, you dishonest liar.  Why don't you just keep your damned mouth shut, if that's all you can come up with?  You don't give a God damn about the troops and neither does any other Republican in the country.

Woo, Green Eagle got a little testy there.  Sorry.


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