Things the Public Doesn't Need to Know


"Democrats shrank US spending, deficit in last fiscal year, figures show...The US deficit shrank nine percent last fiscal year"

Nothing to see here.  No need for the press to cover this. We've heard today, also, that less than 10% of the American people know that Obama gave 95% of the American people a tax cut, so I guess no one needs to know about this either.


Jean Valjean said…
Sickening. We shrank it almost 1/10th and the story is about how Democrats failed. I hate these buggers.
Anonymous said…

our descent to hell has been slowed from 120 mph to only 110 mph!!!
Green Eagle said…
Dear Anonymous:

If it were not for you and people like you, we wouldn't have been descending to hell at all. We'd have a budget surplus, a large part of our national debt would be paid off, we wouldn't have squandered trillions on one of the most disastrous military blunders in history.

But wingnuts like yourself can never take any personal responsibility, so I know you will never face up to the fact that your greed, cloaked as ideology, has just about destroyed our country.
Lisa said…
Wow I can sleep much better now even with our 13 trillion dollar debt.

All we need is some Cap and Trade and we'll be home free.

Lets' top it off with a 400 billion dollar bail out for Fannie Mae and all the crooks over there who are to blame for most of the mortgage meltdown who shall remain nameless.
Oh wait they already have remained nameless.

Drinks for everyone!

By the way a 250.00 check does not a tax cut make.

Good try though
Green Eagle said…
I can see why you don't want to name the crook who is responsible for our new depression, Lisa, since it is none other than your god, Saint Ronnie, who made it legal for these crooks to do what they did to plunder the economy.

And, let me give you a helpful tip: you have wandered into the fact-based world here, and no one is going to buy your crap about the Community Reinvestment Act or Barney Frank or any of the rest of it, which you know perfectly well had nothing to do with the economic collapse, which was 100% caused by Republican pandering to the greed of the rich, just like the last depression.
Lisa said…
BS Country Wide! BS BS BS BS!!!!!!!
Government created the mess with liberal policy and now they are claiming to fix it.
Green Eagle said…
Lisa, I took a look at your blog. You are a very stupid person, with a good tinge of racism. Your hate and greed are what are destroying our country. I don't really care what you think about this, because you are too lost in your own evil to see the truth. But take it from me, the other people who see what you have to say understand you perfectly well- better than you will ever allow yourself to see inside.
Grung_e_Gene said…
The Republicans cloak themselves in a panoply of Racism and Lies. Why should facts Obama's Tax Breaks or Deficit Reduction matter?
Lisa said…
I'm greedy? You don't have a clue as to my situation. So to make a sweeping generalization like that is just ignorant on your part.
I know what it's like to struggle and yes the little I have that took so long to work or I would like to keep thank you very much. No one ever took care of my kids for me when I had no job.
Racism? Another general statement.
It's people like you that calling people racist is what is tearing the country apart.
What did I say that was racist?
I have been a target of racism even though I am white.
I have a disabled friend who was a target of racism who was tormented almost daily in school and then one day actually beat up.
I also had another friend who was beat up up in school jumped by by a group of black girls for no reason other than she had Blonde hair.
Another boy in my school who had cerebral palsy was bottom fisted and dropped to the ground by a group of minorities in front of everyone and they never got in trouble for it because even the teachers aids were scared.
But obviously you must have lived all secluded in your white neighborhood so you can point the finger at others pretending to be all compassionate and all but would probably be the first to move if a black family moved on your block.
Green Eagle said…
Lisa, you are a sick person. There is no use even responding to your ugly crap. So, rave on if you want.

Lisa, you are a sick person. You are incapable of seeing the truth about yourself in any way. The racism that oozed from you defense of yourself from charges of racism would be funny if it were not so hateful. There is no rational response to your miserable attitude, so I won't bother with one, but take it from me, you need some therapy very badly.

All the best,
Green Eagle
Lisa said…
GE your race card is maxed out. Time to move one.
You just proved my point that you really have no proof of m being racist or can even point out where I was racist. You just like to throw the term around like all liberals do.
I don't need to defend myself against false accusation either.
Oh and I wasn't the one who called Juan Williams a monkey so maybe you want to rethink that one.
After a statement like that you probably would be the first to move if a black family moved on your block if they are even allowed.
magpie said…
“I have been a target of racism even though I am white.”

Meaning... 'I’m white, so this isn’t meant to happen to me, it's mean to happen to those different looking people over there'.

"I have a disabled friend who was a target of racism who was tormented almost daily in school and then one day actually beat up."

So did I. He was Vietnamese. Incredibly not one black person was amongst his attackers.

"...also had another friend who was beat up in school jumped by by a group of black girls for no reason other than she had blonde hair."

'hmmm... and, gosh Willy Wonkers, when have you EVER heard of teenage girls being vindictive to another girl based on her appearance ???'
Cardinal44 said…
Monkey see - monkey do,,,
seems like Lisa's a monkey, too!
Anonymous said…
'hmmm... and, gosh Willy Wonkers, when have you EVER heard of teenage girls being vindictive to another girl based on her appearance ???'

Or being disabled or being white although if it were white girls beating up on black girls it would have been racist I guess.
Lisa said…
There was a black conservative who had to shut down his blog because of attacks by other black people and white liberals.
In other words the party of "open ideas" only want their black followers to think the way their liberal massas want them to think.
I guess what else wouild we expect with a president who says "Punish your enemies and reward your friends" or say "Republicans can go along for the ride as long as they ride in the back of the bus".
And you wonder why people are turned off to him and his "stuck in the sixties" congress.
Green Eagle said…
Lisa, I don't have the interest in trying to bang reality into your head, while you are intent on destroying the country, but I do want to point out that, when you claim "I guess what else wouild we expect with a president who says..."Republicans can go along for the ride as long as they ride in the back of the bus" you are lying. He never said any such thing.
Lisa said…
I heard it myself. I guess it his ventriloquist George Soros.
Lisa said…
Punish your enemies and reward your friends

Am I lying about this too? He did say for them to sit in the back. OK maybe not the back of the bus though.

Either way both very inappropriate for someone who claimed he was a Uniter.
Arthurstone said…
After having been elected to begin the mess of cleaning up after the Republicans drove the bus of state into the ditch President Obama said, "we can't have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."

He's right.

Always amusing how folks like Lisa, self-proclaimed bulwarks against creeping collectivism/Marxism/tyranny/slavery etc. are so...sensitive.

Toughen up!

Lisa said…
I still like the way you avoid the "Punish your enemies" comment.

He wants us to give him more time? I think we've seen enough already
Arthurstone said…
Punish your enemies? Come on Lisa.

He took away the car keys.

They still get to make the trip.

As I said.

Toughen up.

Right thinking Americans like yourself are all that stands between us and the bottomless pit of tyranny.
Lisa said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said…
I don't think right or left. I'd like to think of it not extreme left or extreme right.
I know with liberals it's either or but there is such thing as moderate.
And this admin is not moderate. Speaking or Tyranny maybe you ought to talk to people who actually experienced Tyranny like those who attend Tea PArties.
Not that I need to convince you because you wouldn't know tryanny if sucked 70% of your income from you.
You'd be waiting on line for a loaf of bread and still thanking Obama your savior for it.
Or sleeping on a sidewalk and thanking him for giving you clean air to breathe.
You'd be in a hospital ER with a gaping wound for 8 hrs or 8 weeks for an MRI for a brain tumor and be thanking Obama for it because it's free.
Green Eagle said…

I will assume that, as you allege, you actually listened to Obama's remarks before making your comment.

You lied about what he said, in order to twist his remarks into something supposedly racist. You are an unapologetic liar, and I have had enough to do with people like you to know beyond question that what has led you to this moral degradation is a combination of racism and greed.

The fact that you would never admit this to yourself means nothing to me. There's no one easier to lie to you than yourself.
Lisa said…
GE your race card is maxed out,. You have no more credit. Might as well cut it up and dispose of it,it hs no more worth.
Green Eagle said…

I've actually enjoyed your contribution to my blog, but don't you think we've worn this post out? I hope you will comment on some other posts of mine, and we can carry on.

All the best,
Lisa said…
I was just going to say I was done with this post too lol!!!!
I enjoyed it too. Thank you for giving me a platform to disagree with you.

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