Why Does Abu Dhabi Own All of Chicago's Parking Meters?

Get the answer here.

Just a taste of this wonderful story:

"Now if city officials want to do anything that might disrupt parking meter revenue -- let's say close down parking for a street festival or parade -- they need to get the approval of those meters' shadowy, foreign owners. They also need approval to change parking hours or fees. The new ownership has already made unwelcome changes, ending the previous policy of allowing free parking on holidays."

So, maybe you want to hold a march to protest the devastating effect that oil companies' greed has on our country.  Great- free speech, right?  As soon as some Arab oil sheiks say it's okay, you can express your opinion in public! The city has just given some of the most malignant rich foreigners in history a veto over your first amendment rights.  Here's a perfect example of the real respect for our constitution to be found on the right, where money trumps everything.

Everything that government does is now nothing but an opportunity for some rich person to make a profit, without a concern in the world for what it does to the rest of us.  Here comes RepublicanWorld!


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