Here's The Conservative Answer to Our Problems, Spelled Out
By World Net Daily regular, Star Parker, in an unusually forthright manner:
Businesses are not democracies; our government is. That's the problem with it. Government needs to be more like businesses; i.e. dictatorships.
Thanks for clearing things up for us, Star. I couldn't have put the end goal of conservatives any clearer than that myself.
"Consider a fundamental difference between business and government. Any businessman operating successfully is in touch with reality, with change, and acts with speed to make adjustments necessary to survive.
Businesses are not democracies, so a CEO can execute what needs to be done on the spot.
Government is the opposite. It is allergic to change. They say government programs are like headless nails. Once in they’re impossible to get out. Programs produce interests who then fight change.
So it should be obvious that if we want a nation that is vibrant, in touch with reality, changing as it needs to in a timely way, the reach of government must be limited."
Businesses are not democracies; our government is. That's the problem with it. Government needs to be more like businesses; i.e. dictatorships.
Thanks for clearing things up for us, Star. I couldn't have put the end goal of conservatives any clearer than that myself.
Government doesn't have to satisfy anybody. We had a gargantuan intelligence failure exposed on 9/ll. Nobody got fired, instead we gave the failures more money, which is what we do for all government failures.
Look at how telephone technology took off and prices came way down once government relinquished its state monopoly on the technology.
Walter E. Williams, economics PhD explains it all here
Don't let the word "Jewish" in the url scare you off. It's a good read.
This is 100% obvious in what she says, and is exactly what conservatives really think.
Did you read Dr. Williams' piece?
The strongman as leader is a progressive dream and something small government libertarians particularly disdain.
We don't want someone in government able to make quick decisions for us. We want to make our own decisions
Government is the protector of rights and freedom.
I want someone who does what the constitution says and who otherwise shuts the hell up and leaves people alone to order their own lives.
This is why so many Teabaggers liek SilverFiddle hate Obama he's got the wrong blood...