Repuiblicans are Truly Evil People

Yeah, I know they say the same thing about us, but we're telling the truth.

Case in point, this guy:

Actor in a cheesy Nazi movie?  Pathetic wanker with strange taste in Halloween costumes? No, I present to you Mr. Rich Iott, Republican candidate for the House of Representatives from Ohio, and committed tea partier.  Yes, Mr. Iott enjoys dressing up and pretending to be a Waffen SS soldier.

Nothing wrong with that, right?  Why here's a statement of their goals from Rich's little cosplay organization:

"It is our aim to bring you a bit of actual history behind the men who fought against the "Bolshevik scourge"; volunteers...who only had a desire to see an end to Soviet Communism.

Germany headed a strong movement in Europe to actively campaign (politically and through warfare) against the ideals of Bolshevist Communism. This culminated in 1941, when the German armed forces were pitted against the very home of Bolshevism, Soviet Russia. Nazi Germany had no problem in recruiting the multitudes of volunteers willing to lay down their lives to ensure a "New and Free Europe", free of the threat of Communism. National Socialism was seen by the protector of personal freedom and their very way of life...thousands upon thousands of valiant men died defending their respective countries in the name of a better tomorrow. We salute these idealists; no matter how unsavory the Nazi government was, the front-line soldiers of the Waffen-SS gave their lives for their loved ones and a basic desire to be free."

Well, I don't think it is really necessary to go into any kind of detailed analysis of the accuracy of this particular portrayal of Nazis and the SS.  I'm sure any sentient human on the planet knows this whitewash for the ugly mass of lies that it is.  What really interests me is the claim that Naziism was all about fighting Communism, the implication that this fight was forced upon them, that their organization was "the protector of personal freedom and their very way of life," that they were fighting for a "New and Free Europe", that they struggled "in the name of a better tomorrow"; that they were "idealists" who were fighting "for their loved ones and a basic desire to be free."

Does this sound familiar?  Every one of these malignant claims about the intent of the Nazis parallels exactly the cant that pours daily from the lips of the teabaggers.  And you know why?  Because in the end they are the same.  The teabag movement is a patently fascist one, which hides behind its ludicruous patriotic rhetoric, as the Nazis did, their longing for a totalitarian, racist government.  It is long past time that we stop kidding ourselves about this.

I often wonder how many Germans, as the 1920's drifted into the 1930's, saw the storm that was brewing, and were afraid that the unthinkable was about to happen.  Sad to say, I feel that way, here and now.  A significant portion of the American people hunger to cast off everything this country is supposed to be about, in favor of the most vile form of racial dictatorship.  Remember that the Nazis were never a majority in Germany before 1933, but they still managed to send their country to hell.  We will learn over the next few years whether the "land of the free and the home of the brave" is destined to relive that experience.

Update:  Rich speaks out:

"I've always been fascinated by the fact that here was a relatively small country that from a strictly military point of view accomplished incredible things. I mean, they took over most of Europe and Russia, and it really took the combined effort of the free world to defeat them. From a purely historical military point of view, that's incredible."

Incredible that, through a campaign of terror and murder against innocent people unprecedented in all of history, they were able to have their way in Europe before the rest of the world, at the cost of fifty million lives, was able to stop them.  This man actually finds the Nazis' "achievements" admirable.  Sad to say, behind the sinister face of the teabaggers' fury is a reality far worse.


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