Slavery- It Was All The Liberals' Doing. No, Really!

Here is one of the most preposterous, malignant rewritings of history I have ever heard, from American patriot Glenn Beck:

"I would like to propose that the president is exactly right when he said, "slaves sitting around the campfire didn't know when slavery was going to end but they knew it was would and it took a long time to end slavery." Yes it did. But it took a long time to start slavery and it started small and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here and a court order there and a little more regulation here and a little more regulation there and before we knew it, America had slavery."

Yes, you read that right.  According to Mr. Beck, slavery was originally innocent!  And it only came to be evil because of government regulation!  Yes, it's all because of liberal government regulation that slavery was evil.  Left to the actual slave owners, it would have been a fine thing!

I challenge anyone reading these words to think of a more evil distortion of history than this.

Thanks to Archy for the connection to this hateful drivel.


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