Makes Sense to Me

From James Lambert over at Renew America:

"When debating Prop. 19: Don't tell me marijuana isn't a harmful, gateway drug!"

Also, don't tell me that people who don't believe in global warming are stooges of the oil companies, that Republicans want to destroy Social Security and the minimum wage, that Republican corruption on behalf of the rich caused our economic collapse, that giving people health care isn't just like the Nazis, that Saddam didn't cause fact, don't tell me anything that's true because I'M NOT LISTENING...LA LA LA LA LA LA...I CAN'T HEAR YOU!


cardinal44 said…
Vote NO on 19! Keep Cartel profits high and their lobbyists employed. And what would law enforcement have to do? Stopping real crime is dangerous.
Henna Hempseed said…
I'll smoke to that!

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