The Guy Can't Stop Lying

You know- I mean this one:

Here he goes again:

"I think it’s an inexact science, and there has been more and more questioning about some of the conclusions that were reached concerning climate change. And I believe that everybody in the world deserves correct answers whether the scientific conclusions were flawed by outside influences. There’s great questions about it that need to be resolved."

There is no question about global warming that that needs to be resolved, except how far down in the gutter people like McCain are wiling to sink, how much damage they are willing to do to the world, to serve their corporate masters and the teabag zombies they have created.

McCain knows God damned well, as do all of his other corrupt Republican associates, that global warming is real and that it is a threat to our security and existence vastly beyond that posed by a bunch of Arab punks in the desert 10,000 miles away.  But he also knows that doing something about it is a threat to the profits of Exxon, the Koch brothers and their ilk, and that is far more important to him than the survival of the rest of us.


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