Wingnut Wrapup

I really wanted people to get a taste of the synthetic furor that Conservatives have ginned up over Obama having once offered Joe Sestak a position in his administration. Here are a few selections from their endless screaming tirades on this pathetic subject:

David Harsanyi, Town Hall: "What if Sestak Wasn't the Only One?"

Oh my God, oh my God, what if the President of the United States actually offered positions in his administration to TWO Democrats with political ambitions!! The Crime! The Scandal!

Pat "Little Hitler" Buchanan, Town Hall: "When does a political deal become a bribe?"

It is not a political deal to offer someone a job, Pat, you lying dick. Let's get this straight- this law was intended to prevent rich people from paying candidates off to get them to drop out of races, not to prevent the head of the Democratic party from having a voice in who his party runs for office. As the leader of the party, of course Obama has a right to participate in deciding who the party supports. That is not bribery- it is normal, perfectly acceptable political behavior.

Michelle Malkin: "At his first press conference in 308 days, Obama fielded questions about...the mounting outrage over Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak's job-trading allegations with a sluggishness bordering on geriatric."

Did it ever occur to you that he was bored to sleep by the stupidity of this whole issue?

Confederate Wankee: "As others have pointed out, there aren't too many scenarios here, and none are good from Democrats. Either Sestak is lying, or someone in the Obama Administration seems to have committed a felony."

Another lie from another habitual liar.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Karl Rove: Joe Sestak Is Lying Or Protecting a Felon in the White House...It looks like the Sestak scandal is not going away any time soon for the Obama White House. And if Karl Rove is right, this won’t have a happy ending for the Obama corruptocrats."

Karl Rove! Karl Rove criticizing lying and protecting felons in the White House. God, the indignities we have to endure- to be forced to listen to the most dishonest felon ever to set foot in the White House lecturing us about dishonesty. There's nothing they won't stoop to.


It is not a crime, it is not improper, it is normal political practice. But the Republican party has tried ever since Obama began running for President to find some excuse to impeach him, and they have totally failed. So they are inventing something out of nothing, exactly the same as they did with Clinton and the blow job. This is the behavior of traitors and seditionists. And we have to live with it. Unless people take Green Eagle's advice and kick the Southern states the hell out of our country. And at the same time, let's give all of Arizona south of the Grand Canyon back to Mexico.

Anyway, enough of that. In other news:

Charles Krauthammer, Town Hall: "Whose Blowout Is It, Anyway? the safest of all places, on land, we've had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."

According to this world-champion liar, the BP oil spill is totally the fault of the environmental movement, for not letting the Oil companies just despoil any land they want to drill on. And I'm sure he wouldn't make them serve Negroes in their restaurants either.

Vladimir, Red State: "Man-Made Calamity to Hit LA, Gulf Coast...Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told reporters this afternoon that the Obama Administration is ordering a moratorium on all off-shore oil and gas drilling activity...That’s going to have a deep, sudden impact of the loss of 33,000 good-paying jobs across the Gulf South."

If you believe this idiot, stopping offshore drilling is a far greater disaster than anything the oil spill might cause. And if these people lose their jobs, it's all Obama's fault for interfering in the right of oil companies to do whatever the hell they want, in pursuit of profit. At least, that's what they claim at Red State. Buying into that one? No? I didn't think so.

Bryan Fischer, Renew America: "Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. Gays in the military is an experiment that has been tried and found disastrously and tragically wanting. Maybe it's time for Congress to learn a lesson from history."

Hey, it wasn't Nazis that killed six million Jews, it was gay people. How's that for conservative thinking in a nutshell: Nazis good, gays bad.

Marie Jon, Renew America: "Social Justice pastors, your chickens will come home to roost"

And let's hope they do, just in case you get sick and need them to pay your doctor.


Derek said…
"Oh my God, oh my God, what if the President of the United States actually offered positions in his administration to TWO Democrats with political ambitions"

If they both were to keep them out of a primary election then that would mean their would be multiple, not just one, felonies on the table.

"it is normal political practice."

Not to tamper with a primary election. To offer a job yes, but not to tamper with a primary.

"So they are inventing something out of nothing, exactly the same as they did with Clinton and the blow job."

I didn't realize lying under oath isn't perjury.
Green Eagle said…
Derek, there is never a Republican talking point that you don't fall for, is there?

Do you really think that the purpose of this law was to prevent the head of the party from having a voice in who the party runs for office? If you think that's the case, you sure have a lot to learn about politics.
Derek said…
"Do you really think that the purpose of this law was to prevent the head of the party from having a voice in who the party runs for office"

No, but it was designed to prevent party members from bribing candidates out of primaries. I could care less if Obama voiced his opinion or gave an endorsement to a candidate.

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