
From TPM, Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia attorney general and all around right wing demagogue:

"Presenting his lawsuit against health-care reform in apocalyptic and grandiose terms, Ken Cuccinelli has said that health-care itself is a "secondary" issue in the legal challenge. The real goal, the Virginia Attorney General acknowledges, is to limit federal power. "If we lose, it's very much the end of federalism as we've known it for over 220 years," he said."

I'm not a lawyer, so call me an idiot if you want, but doesn't a person have to demonstrate "standing" to have a lawsuit considered in Federal court? And if this suit is not about the substance of the bill, doesn't that destroy any claim of standing that Cuddinelli has to bring the suit?

That is to say, in simpler terms, you have to demonstrate that you would be actually harmed by something before you can sue to stop it, and isn't any such assertion destroyed by his admission that this suit is not about health care reform at all, but rather is an attempt to push the same old right wing agenda on the country?


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