A Reminder About the October Surprise

And now, further news of this forgotten incident, from Consortium News:

"A Russian government report, which corroborated allegations that Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign interfered with President Jimmy Carter’s Iran-hostage negotiations in 1980, was apparently kept from the Democratic chairman of a congressional task force that investigated the charges a dozen years later."

Yes, Americans, here is the truth about our "democracy:" Neither of the two "presidents" who sent our country on the road to economic, military and social disaster was actually elected in a fair election. Bush was placed in power by the greatest act of Supreme Court corruption in our nation's history, and Reagan took power through what is not a figurative, but a literal, actual act of treason.

When you look about you at the open corruption of Republican elected officials, backed up by the ignorant insanity of the teabaggers, the endless parade of vicious demagogues paid to whip up hatred, the looting of our wealth, the disgrace of our country around the world, you must remember that none of this was the result of a fair choice made by the American people. It was all brought about by two criminal seizures of power by what amounted to nothing more than temporary dictators.

That is what the Republican party is all about today. As their base of the elderly, the ignorant, the (dare I say it) white, inexorably diminishes, do you think that even these abominable acts represent the limit of what they will get up to in order to serve their masters?


Shaw Kenawe said…
These are the same people who believe Mr. Obama is not a US citizen and that the Democrats stole the election in 2008.

No. Really.

We have to keep in mind that the majority of those who self-identify as Republicans refuse to look at this evidence and see that it is THEY who support criminal behavior.

I've read about this for years and understand that what Reagan did before becoming president was a treasonous act--maybe he himself didn't understand it--he was in the early stages of Alzheimers, afterall--but his puppet masters knew what they were doing.

George HW Bush was the head of the CIA. Remember?

Interesting, isn't it? That Junior's records at TANG were "accidently" destroyed, so that we'll never know the truth about whether he actually served or went AWOL:

FROM WIKIPEDIA: On July 8, 2004, the Pentagon reported that the microfilmed payroll records of Bush and numerous other service members had been inadvertently ruined in 1996 and 1997 by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service during a project to salvage deteriorating microfilm. The records lost included those covering July through September 1972, when Bush's claims of service in Alabama are in question, and the Pentagon reported that no paper backups could be found.

Isn't THAT convenient!
Green Eagle said…
Once again, I have to point out how so much of their lying narrative about Obama is really the product of a need to stamp down their knowledge that their two great accomplishments in conservative rule, which did so much to destroy our country, were illegitimate usurpers on top of it. It isn't really about Obama at all.

Republicans have become so adept at rewriting history- necessity is the mother of invention.

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