This extremely even-handed and insightful piece of serious reporting, from Floyd and Mary Beth Brown (aren't they relatives of Bonnie and Clyde?) at Town Hall:

"Is the Impeachment of Barack Obama Moving Forward?

All of a sudden, everyone is talking about the possibility of impeaching Barack Obama.

Drudge is writing about it. Sean Hannity is talking about it. Dick Morris is saying that the potential scandal is "enormous.". Karl Rove called it an "extraordinary charge." wrote that "it could be grounds for impeachment."

Everyone! Karl Rove, Matt Drudge, Sean Hannity and Dick Morris. That's everyone! Four pathological, criminal right wing liars! And World Net Daily, which has been campaigning to get rid of Obama since before he took office! That's everybody!

Aren't you glad you know that now.

These people are nothing but human scum. We are never going to be able to look at the right wing noise machine for one single day, as long as Obama is in office, without violent screams to throw him out of office, on any bogus pretext they can think of. And after years of yelling treason at anyone who dared criticize the abominable George W. Bush while he was in the process of destroying our country and murdering a million innocent Iraqi civilians, they have entitled themselves to this behavior.

There is no reasoning or dealing with these people. They are out to destroy our country. It very well may come to the point where they have to be put down like mad dogs.


Shaw Kenawe said…
Would you mind if I copied a lot of this post--hell all of it! And post it over at my blog?
Shaw Kenawe said…
Of course I'll link to your blog.
Green Eagle said…
I'm flattered that you think it's worth it, and of course you are welcome to copy any part of it you want.

Thanks for taking an interest in it.
dmarks said…
Did you hold the "Bush stole the election" liars and "Impeach Bush" fanatics in such contempt also?

Or do you accept the ravers when they are on your side.
Green Eagle said…
1. Bush was placed in power by five corrupt Supreme Court justices in the greatest act of judicial corruption in the history of the United States.

2. George W. Bush used our military to carry out a grossly illegal war of aggression against an innocent country, causing a million civilian deaths. There is no act of a national leader which is more abominable than that, and he certainly should have been impeached at least for it. In my opinion it is a disgrace to this country that Bush and Cheney were not executed.

Of course, Clinton got a blow job. That's way worse than the murder of a million people, right?
TAO said…
Not one word about an investigation let alone an impeachment of Bush inregards to Iraq...

Not one word about an investigation let alone an impeachment of Cheney inregards to his energy meetings...

Not one word....

But leave it to dmarks to make up something when it fits his agenda...

I believe what was proposed to Sespak was a "political appointment" which is a term that one hears quite often...

Wasn't Brownie a political appointment? Oh, big difference..his was a paid position and Sespak was offered an unpaid position.

By the way dmarks, if you want to send the socialists to Cuba or North Korea where say we should sent the reactionary right wing nuts?

Like the Tea Baggers? Rand Paul?
Shaw Kenawe said…
dmarks: "Did you hold the 'Bush stole the election' liars and 'Impeach Bush' fanatics in such contempt also?

I want to point your attention to the fact that no less than a vice president's daughter who served in the Bush administration is calling for an investigation into the Sestak nonstory.

Also, there is a cable news station, the most watched one, that is 24/7 anti-Obama.

Nothing like that existed during Bush's disasterous presidency.

Bush had the country with him after 9/11--Democrats and Republicans. I don't recall hearing any radio personalities calling for Bush to fail.

Republican leaders in the Senate and the House have instructed their people not to cooperate on any legislation Mr. Obama proposes--even when Mr. Obama includes suggestions from GOP legislators in a given bill, they run away from it.

Mr. Bush, if you remember, had lots of Democrats supporting his invasion of Iraq.
dmarks said…
"1. Bush was placed in power by five corrupt Supreme Court justices in the greatest act of judicial corruption in the history of the United States."

The voters put him in power, through the electoral system, the same as with his predecessors. There was some Supreme Court corruption, in that 4 justices ruled to overthrow actual election results. But they were in the minority.

Time to let this one die. A false claim that is the left wing's version of the Obama birth certificate "controversy".

"2. George W. Bush used our military to carry out a grossly illegal war of aggression against an innocent country,"

The retaliation against Iraq was entirely legal, and Saddam's regime was far from innocent. It was actively engaging in the funding and hosting of several terrorist groups, and was engaging in many aggressive actions which violated the cease-fire. There's no way he should be impeached for that: he was doing his job. And don't forget that the current Secretary of State and Vice President voted for this too.

"In my opinion it is a disgrace to this country that Bush and Cheney were not executed."

It is a disgrace when people call for the death of a President, for Obama and for others too.


Tao: I made up nothing. Surely you remember Dennis Kucinich's fabricated laundry-list of articles for the impeachment of Bush. Which included exactly what you are describing. Here is video and text which contradicts the "Not one word about an investigation let alone an impeachment of Bush inregards to Iraq." claim. Many many words, in fact.
Green Eagle said…
dmarks- I'm not sure if you are really that ignorant, or if you are just lying, but it is clear that Al Gore won the popular vote in Florida, and would have won it by a much larger margin if Bush's brother had not conspired to have tens of thousands of black voters in Florida illegally struck from the voter roles. If you can't accept that, there is no point in having any kind of discussion with you. As for the corrupt Supreme Court justices, I suggest you find a copy of Vincent Bugliosi's little book on the subject, which lays things out in the clearest manner. And don't forget that Bugliosi is a life-long Republican.

Now, as to Iraq: The Bush invasion of this country after a hysterical campaign of lies about a nonexistent threat which it supposedly posed to the United States is EXACTLY comparable to the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Hitler. That is what our country sunk to during Bush's execrable administration,whether you want to hear it or not.

This is a bitter truth to accept, but until we do, we will make ourselves the permanent victims of right wing warmongers like Bush and Cheney.

And let's not get into the issue of economics, where Hitler did a much better job than Bush.
dmarks said…
We will agree to strongly disagree on those issues.

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