The Beast Approaches

While things are kind of slow in the political world, I would like to start laying out my personal understanding of where the right wing in this country is headed. It is my belief that a common understanding (or, clearly, gross misunderstanding) of the working of history lies behind conservative thought, both in this country and other countries, and this world view is emerging more and more concretely as the right feels that it is strong enough not to hide its true beliefs.

I want to start by dealing with an article from World Net Daily, by some malicious wingnut who calls himself Vox Day. This is an article featured at World-O-Crap today, but I want to deal with it seriously, not in my usual derisive terms. You can read the whole thing here. I have selected the following excerpts to comment on:

"Throughout history, when an occupying power has wanted to destabilize and destroy a nation, it has settled a foreign people in its midst."

Two examples are cited- Stalin's settling Russians in the Baltic States, and the Ottoman empire's transporting Muslims to the Balkans. This hardly accounts for all cases of destabilization, but note that these were conscious acts of a central government. This moron compares this to the presence of illegal immigrants in the United States. Note that the implication is that there is a sinister force directing these people to come to the United States. Who might this force be?

"Americans did not worry about the massive migration of Mexicans and other third-world immigrants for many years due to their belief in equality and the idea of the American melting pot. Unfortunately, both concepts are complete myths, devoid of any support from logic, history or science...various scientific disciplines have quietly, but inexorably been demolishing the equalitarian hypothesis with regard to race, culture and sex."

Races are not equal; there is no place for multiple cultures in this country. Do you think I am being too strong in my characterization?

"There is, quite simply, no such thing as human equality in any material sense. In fact, the latest genetic research on potential Neanderthal genes found in humans of non-African descent suggest that it is not entirely accurate to even assert that homo sapiens is not divided into various subspecies."

The human race is not even a single species; and there are groups that are superior and groups that are just not quite equal. Is this sounding familiar to you?

"As for the myth of the American melting pot, it should suffice to point out that the idea was popularized by a Russian Jew..."

Aah, didn't you just know that the Jews were going to turn out to be behind it all?

"If Americans can find the courage to consciously reject the myth of the melting pot and expel the Mexicans from the American Southwest, the Arabs from Detroit and the Somalis from Minneapolis, they can reclaim their traditional white Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture."

Rejecting the notion of equality of the races, rejecting the notion that people of all sorts have a right to live in this country, and openly embracing the right to strip millions of American citizens of their citizenship and eject them from the country. Let us not mince words here: this is Naziism pure and simple. This is exactly what Naziism espoused, right down to the Jews behind it all. It is not "sort of" Naziism or some pale shadow of Naziism, it is the real article itself.

"Only Texas, with its unique and expansive view of itself, combined with its history of violent conflict with Mexico, is likely to take action over time."

Because violence toward other racial groups is not only acceptable but necessary. It is justifiable to violently attack other races so that "White Anglo Saxon Protestant culture" can survive. Is there anyone reading these words who would like to tell me how what this man advocates, on one of the largest right wing web sites in the country, differs from Naziism?

Get ready- The Nazis are coming to your town.


magpie said…
"...expel the Mexicans from the American Southwest, the Arabs from Detroit and the Somalis from Minneapolis, they can reclaim their traditional white Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture..."

i.e. ... ethnic cleansing.

And then he has the nerve - THE NERVE! - to mention Kosovo at the end of his piece as a positive example.

And I'd point out to Mr dumb-as-dogshit Vox that "Anglo-Saxon" itself is a term of merged cultural identity, submerged under a Norman one after 1066, and nothing to do with Protestantism until 1517 when the Reformation began.

Where does he think cultures come from?
Leslie Parsley said…
I can see why they don't have a comments section.

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