More Signs of Obama's Economic Failure

How about this:

"If the economy produces jobs over the next eight months at the same pace as it did over the past four months, the nation will have created more jobs in 2010 alone than it did over the entire eight years of George W. Bush's presidency."

Just sayin'.


Kevin Robbins said…
That certainly is bad news for Obama and good news for John McCain. Sorry, election flashback.
Green Eagle said…
Hey, it could still be good news for McCain. Obama's miserable performance could become an issue in his impending impeachment hearings.
Derek said…
By my count we have lost million jobs from the start of Obama's administration.

Also, one person working two jobs, regardless of quality, is considered two employed persons.

And remember, this is only start to finish and only looks at presidency. I say look at who holds Congress. The story is quite different.

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