A Taste of "Sovereign Citizen" Thinking

In my post on the recent episode of right wing terrorism, I mentioned the "Sovereign Citizen" movement, of which the murderer Jerry Kane was an adherent. I think it is worthwhile to know something about them, so here are a few excerpts from a screed apparently written by Mr. Kane, which features the gist of their "thinking." If, for some unknown reason, you would like to torment yourself by reading the whole thing, you can find it in PDF format here.

"Most people are not aware that there has been no lawful money since the bankruptcy of the United States in 1933."

The bankruptcy of the United States in 1933. Funny, I never even heard of that, despite having read numerous books on the depression. Why do you think that might be?

"Since House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192) (Public law 7310) was passed in 1933 we have only had debt, because all property and gold was seized by the government as collateral in the bankruptcy of the United States. Most people today would think they have money in their hand when they pull something out of their pocket and look at the paper that is circulated by the banks that they have been told is “money”. In reality they are looking at a “Federal Reserve Note” which is stated right on the face of the piece of paper we have come to know as “money”. It is NOT really “money”, it is debt, a promise to pay made by the United States!

When FDR and Congress took all the property and gold from the people in 1933 they had to give something in return for that confiscation of property. See attached (Exhibit “B” para 6) What the people got in return was the promise that all of their needs would be met by the government "

All of their needs met by the government. Get it? That would be communism. Roosevelt was a communist. That's why you don't have to pay your mortgage. Makes sense, huh?

"You actually just paid for your own home with your promissory “Mortgage Note” that you gave the bank and the bank gave you what in return? NOTHING!!! For any contract to be valid there must be consideration given by both parties."

You paid for your home, and the bank gave you NOTHING? Sorry to point this out, you stupid dick, but what the bank gave you in return was YOUR HOUSE! So, spout your stupid pseudo-legalese talk about "consideration." The consideration you got was your house.

"All of their debts would be “discharged”. This was done without the consent of the people of America and was an act of Treason by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt."

Oh sure. Treason. Right. Well, what do you expect from a communist?

"The problem comes in where they never told us how we could accomplish that discharge and have what we were entitled to after the bankruptcy."

Which was apparently everything for free. A true self reliant conservative, showing the noble sense of personal responsibility which features so prominently in their constant nattering.

"Why has this never been taught in the schools in this country? "

Maybe because it is a stupid lie that no one who is not deeply deranged could believe? I mean, kids in school today get taught all sorts of stupid lies (see Texas) but not ones that are this stupid.

It has always been my contention that conservatism in the United States today is about one thing and one thing only: greed. All of the rest is nothing but window dressing to hide this fact.
Conservatives don't want to pay their taxes, they don't want to pay their debts, and they sure as hell don't want to pay one penny to help anyone else on earth. Follow that degraded instinct and this is where you end up.


Poll P. said…
I've heard you discuss the role of Greed in Right-Wing ideology, but this is the first time I've really put two and two together. Good example.

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