Stupid Republican Suggestion of the Day

Mitch McConnell, on Meet the Press yesterday:

"MR. GREGORY: What about the issue of legitimate claims, as BP said, that it will honor? Do you think that the cap for damages should be higher now, higher than $75 million, as you heard Senator Schumer say they would propose?

SEN. McCONNELL: Well, the danger in that, of course, is that if you raise the cap too high, there will be no competition in the Gulf and you’ll leave all the business to the big guys like BP. What BP has said they need to be held to, which is they’re going to pay for this. They ought to pay for it, and they will pay for it. But the danger of taking the cap too high is that you end up with only massive, very large oil producers able to meet that cap and produce in the Gulf."

Well, let's just leave aside the issue of what business oil companies have drilling anywhere if they can't afford to pay for the damage they have caused. How about if we just ban offshore drilling totally, and then all the oil companies in the world can compete on an equal basis for nothing.

And by the way, Mitch, what kind of pathetic lie are you telling when you say that you think that BP will voluntarily pay for the billions in damages it caused? On what planet do you think that will ever happen? Or are you nothing but a corrupt shill for the oil companies, willing to say and do anything to get them off the hook for the damages they caused, while letting them make record profits for ever?


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