Wingnut Details Obama's Failings (Again)

Oh my God, oh my God! Those evil Democrats are at it again! This just in, from the great Confederate Yankee:

"Spending-Crazed Congress About to Pass Bill That Creates Billions in Taxes, Billions More in Spending, And Wrecks the Economy... Media Deathly Quiet

How much more of this graft, tax and spend Congressional abuse can the economy stand before imploding? I can only hope that when all is said and done, and this nation's economy collapses under the weight of their ever-present greed, that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama get their just desserts."

And just what Democratic monstrosity is Mr. Hoft talking about?

"The bill:

* increases infrastructure spending by $26 B over ten years;"

Spending $2.6 billion a year on our infrastructure which is rotting beneath our feet because of years of mismanagement by the Bush Administration, which gave the money away in tax cuts for the rich and useless wars.

" * extends a raft of expiring tax provisions, mostly for one year"

The crime of actually trying to pay for his programs, rather than let wealthy people just take the money, which would be a much more sound fiscal policy.

"* provides funding relief for certain employer pension plans;"

The even worse crime of trying to protect ordinary Americans who had their retirement incomes destroyed, so that Wall Street hedge fund managers could become billionaires.

" * raises a bunch of taxes, mostly on businesses and a certain kind of partnership income called "carried interest;"

"Carried interest-" do you know what that means? It means that Obama wants hedge fund managers to actually pay income tax on their income, rather than claiming nonsensically that it is some form of capital gains. It means making a guy who makes two or three hundred million a year mismanaging other people's money pay taxes just like you. What a crime!

"* extends unemployment insurance benefits, increasing federal spending by $47 B over the next two years;"

The rich get the benefit and workers can just pay the price.To hell with people who saw their companies destroyed by the rapacity of their bosses. They're on their own.

"* increases Medicare payments for doctors for eighteen months at a $63 B cost;"

Paying doctors. Disgusting.

"* increases health insurance subsidies for the unemployed (through "COBRA") by $8 B over the next two years; and"

Increasing COBRA funding so that people who have lost their jobs through Republican plundering of the economy can at least keep their health insurance. And the cost! $4 billion a year! What will that leave to pay for oil spills?

"* increases federal Medicaid spending by $24 B for a six-month policy change."

Actually paying our bills instead of the Republican strategy of stealing the money and then leaving our children stuck with the cost.

Abominable, isn't it? Better to use ten times this much money, starting a war against North Korea, letting BP off the hook for the ten or twenty billion dollars of damage it caused, sending thousands of useless troops to the Arizona border, and continuing to give grotesque tax cuts to the rich.

These are truly malignant people. Spending which is motivated by the most common human decency is an abomination, but it is just great to plunder our entire national wealth to further enrich the parasite class that destroyed our economy while taking billions and billions for itself. And yet the teabagging suckers out there lap it up when the likes of Sarah Palin and Rand Paul cram it down their throats. How can people be so blind?


Poll P. said…
Avatar worldwide boxoffice to date: $2,726,860,222

Let's get a little perspective here.
Derek said…
"which gave the money away in tax cuts for the rich and useless wars."

This is imaginary money we don't have. Bush spent a lot, yes, but Obama is spending a heck of a lot more.

Bush's average budget was $2.55 trillion. Obama's average budget is $3.7 trillion. See the difference?

", rather than let wealthy people just take the money, which would be a much more sound fiscal policy."

The bill still raises the deficit by over $100 billion over ten years. He isn't paying for these programs.

"instead of the Republican strategy of stealing the money and then leaving our children stuck with the cost."

Seriously? Obama has raised the deficit far more than Bush did in his entire 8 years. He has more than tripled our money supply. Our national debt is skyrocketing. Obama is passing the debt onto our children, Republicans are the ones trying to balance the budget and are saying spending is out of control.
Green Eagle said…

You are returning to the habit of just repeating Republican lies again. A couple more posts like this, and out you go.
Derek said…
"You are returning to the habit of just repeating Republican lies again."

They aren't lies. I gave half a dozen or so statistics that are entirely true. I can spell out the math for you if you'd like to disagree with any of those figures.

Now tell me GE, what specifically did I lie about?

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