Wingnut Wrapup

Well, I can't go forever without a refreshing dive into the pool of insanity that is conservative thinking today. Here are a few of the stimulating thoughts that are swirling around the bowl (if you know what I mean) of wingnut scholarship today:

George Will, Town Hall: " By socializing the consequences of Greece's misgovernment, Europe has become the world's leading producer of a toxic product -- moral hazard."

What in the name of hell does that even mean? And this guy is supposed to be one of their top thinkers. Other than stringing together an unrelated batch of menacing terms (socializing...misgovernment...Europe...toxic...moral hazard) I can't see that it has any meaning at all. Oh well, conservative thought in action.

Salena Zito, Town Hall: "Polls across the board show that the more religiously observant people are, the more likely they are to disapprove of the president's job performance, says Mark Rozell, professor of public policy at George Mason University."

And I bet you are proud of that, huh, Salena? Let me restate that: the more religious people are, the more likely they are to have swallowed your right wing lies and smears about Obama. You guys have really improved the world with that accomplishment, huh? And by the way, this says a real lot about the value of religion, don't you think?

Confederate Wankee: "Left-Wing Think Progress Advocates Stripping Citizens of Constitutional Rights Without Benefit of Trial, Conviction, or Notice of Even Being A Suspect"

Oh my God, oh my God!!!!!!!! What could they be thinking of doing now?

"They couch their plea in an incredulous and deceptive pitch, asking:"...if those on the terrorist watch list should be able to purchase firearms..."

Of course, right wingers who advocate kicking Muslims and latinos out of the country en masse, or just stripping them of citizenship without a trial, or torturing them or putting them in prison for years without charges... well, that's just wonderful. But not letting them buy guns- that is an abomination. Who would have ever thought that we would see something so evil in the good ol' U.S. of A?

Confederate Yankee: "Ammo Shortage Continues...It started before Obama was elected, and shows no signs of abating."

Well, at least there's some good news on the wingnuttosphere today.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Jan Brewer & Sarah Palin Hold Joint Press Conference Today on Border Security"

Oh God, will our trials never end? What in the universe could possibly come out of that to help us? And where was Sarah's newest BFF, Michelle Bachmann?

Michael Reagan, Newsmax: "The Days of Carefree Spending Are Over"

Because Democrats are in office and they want to spend the money on economic stimulus and health care and useless things like that, which hardly benefit rich people at all! Just wait until the Republicans are back in power, and the days of carefree spending on tax cuts for the wealthy, and useless wars can return. Whoopee!

Henry Lamb, Renew America: "Obama is on a mission to transform the government of the United States of America into a government based on Marxist principles, acting to achieve Marxist objectives, using the Marxist tactic: whatever it takes."

Sure, sure, Henry. God, Alan Keyes hates Obama. He employs a whole stable of people to churn out lies like this, at his website. Amazing what a little hate can lead you to do.

Jayme Sellards, American Thinker: "What Exactly Is 'Social Justice'? It sort of sounds good, until you think about it."

Yeah, it sounds great until you think about it. 'Social justice.' Once you mull it over, it sort of sucks, huh? I mean really, who would want that? Unless you're the target of the injustice, and we know who we are talking about there*, so who cares, right?



And now, this vitally important news, from our long-time friend, Henry Makow:

"The concept of an invading alien force will bring the entire planet together in a united effort to repel the danger. This, of course, will make us one government, one currency and one religion. The mechanism for this is being put in place, even as we speak: Project Blue Beam.

"The infamous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible.

The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old, as major an event as that which occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will make use of the skies as a movie screen (on the sodium layer at about 60 miles) as space-based laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect according to the region. It deals with the religious aspect of the new world order and is deception and seduction on a massive scale."

And you thought the oil spill was bad news.

*Hint for those who don't follow conservative thought that closely: They mostly have darker skin than real Americans.


M. Bouffant said…
I've always liked the phrase "moral hazard," which seems to have some glibertarian/economic meaning, usually involving rent-seekers not being paid rent, but the term is never applied to wars, torture or the like.
Green Eagle said…
Yes. I think "Moral hazard" can best be translated as "You're threatening to get in the way of some rich guy's profit again."

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