Straight Talk from the Pres

From the Washington Post:

"In a defense of the often unpopular actions his administration has taken to confront the economic crisis, Obama told employees of an expanding manufacturing company here that he was right and his critics were wrong.

"Today, we are heading in the right direction," Obama said. "Those tough steps we took -- they're working. Despite all the naysayers -- who were predicting failure a year ago -- our economy is growing again."

Standing in front of heavy equipment in a manufacturing bay at a company that has added workers, Obama said his critics should have to admit that the steps he took -- and they opposed -- ended the recession and have begun to add jobs, if slowly.

"I knew that if we didn't act boldly and quickly -- if we didn't defy the politics of the moment and do what was necessary -- we would have risked an even greater disaster," he said, calling out the Republican Party as having been "in power when the crisis happened."

Right on, Barack. And if you and every Democrat doesn't talk like this from now until doomsday, you're seriously misguided.

Republicans are already out there squawking out irrelevant, misleading responses to this long overdue sort of talk. The truth hurts, huh, buddies?


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