The Start of High Unemployment
Here is a chart from a very nice website entitled Paper Economy, which gives the lie to another persistent Republican talking point. As usual, I have added a line to indicate when Obama took over from The Worst President In History:

We are accustomed to hear, over and over again, that no matter what is happening with the economy, Obama is a failure because he is solely responsible for the high unemployment in the country today. Charts like this show when the problem really took off: during Bush's miserable presidency.
Republicans constantly demand to know when we are going to stop "blaming" Bush for our troubles.
We are not blaming him, we are holding him responsible, which he is.

We are accustomed to hear, over and over again, that no matter what is happening with the economy, Obama is a failure because he is solely responsible for the high unemployment in the country today. Charts like this show when the problem really took off: during Bush's miserable presidency.
Republicans constantly demand to know when we are going to stop "blaming" Bush for our troubles.
We are not blaming him, we are holding him responsible, which he is.