Wingnut Outrage of the Day
Brought to us courtesy of World Net Daily:
U.S. Marines boot recruits with Confederate tattoos
You won't believe what military thinks of historic Southern symbol"
Oh yes I would. Probably the same thing as they think of the symbols of any other military that carried out a vicious, murderous war against the United States of America, killing hundreds of thousands of American soldiers.

Here's a picture of "American" soldiers rooting for our enemies
"...many Southerners do not consider the flag an expression of racism or indicator of membership in extremist groups. They regard the Confederate flag as a symbol of state sovereignty and an honorable tribute to the men who fought and died to protect their homeland from invasion by the federalist North."
Invasion by the very military they now want to join, while retaining the right to openly flaunt their pride in an army that killed American soldiers, without a shred of moral justification, despite their abominable talk about protecting their "homeland" from "invasion."
"Asked what he would say to people who believe the Confederate flag represents racism and slavery, he responded, "I'd say they don't know much about history."
Well, I know enough about history to understand that American soldiers shouldn't have to serve next to, and put their lives in the hands of, people who openly declare their right to turn on their fellows and kill them, to get what they want.
"It's kind of a hot topic for us right now," the Tennessee Marine recruiter said of the Marine Corps policy on Confederate flag tattoos. "Personally, I don't have any problems with it. I have friends, both white and black, who don't have any problems with it. But there are also those out there who do see it as being racially biased."
There are those who do see it as being racially biased. Yeah, sane people.
And by the way, recruiter, how do you feel about trusting your life to a guy who thinks it's cool to murder American soldiers if he feels like it?
How do we have a democratic society when so many people are willing to buy any damned thing on earth, rather than have something get in their way? I sure don't know the answer to that one.
U.S. Marines boot recruits with Confederate tattoos
You won't believe what military thinks of historic Southern symbol"
Oh yes I would. Probably the same thing as they think of the symbols of any other military that carried out a vicious, murderous war against the United States of America, killing hundreds of thousands of American soldiers.

Here's a picture of "American" soldiers rooting for our enemies
"...many Southerners do not consider the flag an expression of racism or indicator of membership in extremist groups. They regard the Confederate flag as a symbol of state sovereignty and an honorable tribute to the men who fought and died to protect their homeland from invasion by the federalist North."
Invasion by the very military they now want to join, while retaining the right to openly flaunt their pride in an army that killed American soldiers, without a shred of moral justification, despite their abominable talk about protecting their "homeland" from "invasion."
"Asked what he would say to people who believe the Confederate flag represents racism and slavery, he responded, "I'd say they don't know much about history."
Well, I know enough about history to understand that American soldiers shouldn't have to serve next to, and put their lives in the hands of, people who openly declare their right to turn on their fellows and kill them, to get what they want.
"It's kind of a hot topic for us right now," the Tennessee Marine recruiter said of the Marine Corps policy on Confederate flag tattoos. "Personally, I don't have any problems with it. I have friends, both white and black, who don't have any problems with it. But there are also those out there who do see it as being racially biased."
There are those who do see it as being racially biased. Yeah, sane people.
And by the way, recruiter, how do you feel about trusting your life to a guy who thinks it's cool to murder American soldiers if he feels like it?
How do we have a democratic society when so many people are willing to buy any damned thing on earth, rather than have something get in their way? I sure don't know the answer to that one.