Get Ready For It- It's Coming

Been following the Republicans' idiotic, malicious tantrum over the notion that Barack Obama offered Joe Sestak a job when Sestak wanted to run for the Senate? This perverted fit is a warning of something, I guarantee you:

If the Republicans take back the House of Representatives in November, Obama is going to be impeached.

If you haven't figured this out yet, well, you heard it here first. Everything they have done has been aimed at building up a mountain of anger toward Obama, and unfortunately, the pathetic, supine Democrats let them get away with it with Clinton, so now they are getting ready to do it again. It doesn't matter what they impeach him for, any more than it mattered with Clinton. They will pick whatever disgusting pretext they want, and off they will go.

We are entering a time in our country's history when one party considers it to be its perfect right to destroy the elected officials of the other party, regardless of the cost. If this becomes the accepted way that our government operates, many of us will live to see the end of the United States, destroyed by people screaming all the way about what great, patriotic Americans they are.

Update: Jonathan Bernstein, from the Washington Post:

"Here comes impeachment...I continue to believe that if Obama sits in the White House for six years with a GOP majority in the House of Representatives that the odds are very good -- better than 50 percent -- that he'll be impeached. Not convicted, of course, but impeached, forcing a Senate trial.

Of course...against impeachment is the lack of a serious offense by the president, but I don't see that as a major impediment -- if offering a job to a potential Senate candidate is an impeachable offense, then they'll have no trouble at all coming up with something."

Amen, brother. Coming to you this November- the choice between democratic government and fascist chaos.


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