Arabian Horse Guy Speaks Out

This would be funny if it weren't so pathetic. From Talking Points Memo:

"Ex-FEMA director Michael Brown today claimed that President Obama waited to respond to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico because he wanted an excuse to shut down offshore drilling.

He continued: "This president has never supported big oil, he's never supported offshore drilling, and now he has an excuse to shut it back down."

Brown noted the potential damage the oil slick will cause, and added: "This is exactly what they want, because now [Obama] can pander to the environmentalists and say, 'I'm gonna shut it down because it's too dangerous.'

First of all, Obama now has a "reason" to shut down offshore drilling, not an "excuse." There's a little difference there. Think about it, Michael.

Second, here's a little piece of advice: if I were you, I just wouldn't bring up the issue of waiting too long to respond to a disaster.

And by the way, Mr. Heck-of-a-job guy, when the environmentalists turned out to be one hundred percent right, it's not pandering to do what they suggest- it's acting like an adult. That's something that people from the Bush administration wouldn't know much about. But then, when it comes to doing the right thing, in the words of London School of Economics graduate M. Jagger:

"Like ladies in waiting to a virgin queen,

They're talking 'bout things that they've never seen."


Poll P. said…
Did he graduate or attend?
Green Eagle said…
God, I don't know. I do hear he got an A in his microphone swinging class.

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