Wingnut Wrapup

I don't know if this happens to you, but when it rains a lot where we live, the ants come into the house, and for a few days it's like the Battle of Stalingrad in miniature.

That's how it is with the right wing wackos today, so let's get going:

Mona Charen, Town Hall: " Are Republicans Stepping on a Land Mine?"

No, I'd say they are stepping on a cow pie.

Chuck Norris, Town Hall: "Give Me Liberty Or..."

Or how about if we give you a big piece of duct tape right across your mouth?

Dennis Prager, Town Hall: "Why do so many Jews see conservative/Right-wing Americans as Nazi-like? "

Skip the lies, Dennis. The answer to your question is that conservative/Right-wing Americans are Nazi-like.

Confederate Yankee: "David Neiwert at Crooks and Liars makes an asinine and snarky post this morning about the capture of Times Square bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad, writing: The next time you hear some right-winger (most notably Dick Cheney) sneer at the Obama administration's "law enforcement approach to terrorism," remember this. Neiwert is either dumb as a post, or worse, assumes his readers are. "

Mr, Yankee, I guess you assume that your readers are all too dumb to handle teh Google. Here's what David Niewert's article was really about:

"The Gulf oil spill makes right-wing 'drill baby drill' fans look like idiots. So of course, it's a liberal conspiracy"

See, it had nothing to do with the administration's approach to terrorism. Niewert's post was about the inability of conservatives to resist lying about everything, and (thank you very much) you have just provided us with another perfect example.

And now, the synthetic Obama Outrage of the Day, from the ever-imaginative Gateway Pundit:

"Barack Obama joked about killing the Jonas Brothers with Predator drones on Saturday night: “The Jonas Brothers are here,” the president said. “Sasha and Malia are huge fans. But, boys, don’t get any ideas. I have two words for you – predator drones.”

You know what, I just don't think many people are going to work up much anger about Obama making a joke about the Jonas Brothers. I just don't. God knows, I could be wrong, but I don't think I am this time.

World Net Daily: "STUNNING SCIENCE OF THE SHROUD...Is mysterious linen cloth a virtual 'photo' of Jesus at moment of resurrection?"

My guess is no.

Mark W. Hendrickson, American Thinker: "The fury directed against Palin by leftists is so overwrought, and at times maniacal, precisely because her frightening clarity and innate common sense are so powerful and effective."

Actually, I guess you haven't noticed, but we've just been ignoring her lately. You know, you can only laugh at the same joke so many times. But it was fun while it lasted, huh?

T. J. Woodward, American Thinker: "I had cleared buildings before, but that was in Iraq. It was very, very disturbing to have to clear my own house, checking bedrooms and closets, armed and ready to kill, right here in Arizona."

Man, what are you smoking?

Hot Air: "Nashville: The disaster America ignored?"

Probably because wingnut wackos haven't found a way yet to blame it on gays.

Erick Erickson: "The Gulf Oil Spill is Barack Obama’s Katrina and Halliburton All Rolled Into One"

Here we go again. Bush was a total, corrupt incompetent with both Katrina and Halliburton, so you have to claim Obama is one too? Boy I bet CNN is proud of having hired you to explain things to the American people.

Moe Lane, Red State: "Hi, federal government. Pay my mortgage, please."

Only if you're a multinational corporation.

Confederate Yankee: "Bomber Admits Terror Motive"

Really? I'm so surprised. Terror motive- imagine that. And I thought he did it because he likes smoke.

James Lileks, Pajamas Media: "Who Knew the 'MS' in MSNBC Stood For 'Morally Superior'?"

What, compared to Fox and CNN? We all knew that.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "One Year Ago Obama Reached Out to the Taliban For Peace… Now They’re Planting Bombs in New York City"

That's why Obama wants to make peace with them, dimwit. What good would it do us to spend time making peace with Liechtenstein?

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "Harry Reid: “Republicans Making Love to Wall Street”

Well, in the sense that Wall Street pays the money and the Republicans do the deed. Sort of like with rentboys, if that counts as making love. Most of us have another name for it.

Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit: "It Begins… GOP Reps Call for Investigation into Obama Administration’s Slow and Weak Response to BP Gulf Oil Spill"

What begins, you dick? The next big Republican smear job?

Michael Reagan, Newsmax: "Obama Reaches Out to Enemies, Gets Nothing Back"

What are you talking about, Michael? Getting health care legislation passed?

A. W. R. Hawkins, Human Events: "What’s Wrong With Racial Profiling Anyway?"

Brought to you by the same people who asked the immortal question, "What's Wrong With Torture, Anyway?"

Rick Moran, American Thinker: "Black participation in GOP primaries at a modern high"

What, Rick, it's gone from 2% to 2.1%? Face it: the Republican party has managed to find a couple of dozen pathetic Black suckers to run for office, but no one is falling for it. Nice try, though. Anything but dealing with their real concerns, huh?


Leslie Parsley said…
I love to read these and laugh - or cry - but keeping track of every nutty and stupid thing the righties say must be a full time job.
Green Eagle said…
I'm sorry to let you know this, but these people turn out so much of this garbage that it isn't that hard to dig this stuff up.

My wife has said that she thinks my Wingnut Wrapup posts are too long, but one of the things I am trying to convey is just how much of this stuff is out there. Believe me, for every stupid, lying claim I include, I could find five or ten other wackos saying the same thing in barely different words.

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