Nice Picture
This tasteful billboard paid for by teabaggers in Iowa:

"North Iowa Tea Party co-founder Bob Johnson says ...the pictures might be overwhelming the intended message."
What intended message would that be, and exactly how do the pictures overwhelm the message? As far as I can see, this billboard pretty much exactly represents the teabaggers' lying, sick, anti-American message.
Update: From Confederate Yankee, this sage observation on the billboard:
"Of course, Obama is nothing like Hitler or Lenin. Both of them were demonstrably more competent"
Well, there you go.
But Wait, there's more!
Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online: "it isn't quite saying Obama is a Hitler. In an academic setting one could defend at least some of the ideas captured in the billboard"
What ideas, Jonah, you prick? The only idea of that billboard is that Obama is like Hitler and Lenin. In what academic setting could you defend that idea? Oral Roberts University, or the Regent Law School?

"North Iowa Tea Party co-founder Bob Johnson says ...the pictures might be overwhelming the intended message."
What intended message would that be, and exactly how do the pictures overwhelm the message? As far as I can see, this billboard pretty much exactly represents the teabaggers' lying, sick, anti-American message.
Update: From Confederate Yankee, this sage observation on the billboard:
"Of course, Obama is nothing like Hitler or Lenin. Both of them were demonstrably more competent"
Well, there you go.
But Wait, there's more!
Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online: "it isn't quite saying Obama is a Hitler. In an academic setting one could defend at least some of the ideas captured in the billboard"
What ideas, Jonah, you prick? The only idea of that billboard is that Obama is like Hitler and Lenin. In what academic setting could you defend that idea? Oral Roberts University, or the Regent Law School?
Die how exactly? I want to know.
Somehow I don't think they mean doing it quietly, or doing it without hurting anyone else.
Is it in their calculation that there might be some depressed dweeb who will identify with the teabaggers fantasy of how the world works - they also being dweebs - and embark upon some murderous rampage... which the Right-wing blogosphere will then promptly claim is an indication of 'the depth of frustration with the government'?
Or are they just unimaginative with slogans?
In exploring that question I came to these comments by Thom Hartmann:
"The Tea Partiers now appear to just be the most extreme right-wingers of the current crop of Republicans, trying to repackage themselves as patriotic instead of the bigots and racists some have shown themselves to be. Conservatives like William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater wouldn’t even recognize these creatures from the darkside. In 1996, observing the post-Reagan swing of the Republican party to the hard reich, true conservative Barry Goldwater, just two years before his death, told Bob Dole, "We're the new liberals of the Republican party. Can you imagine that?" With the 1998 death of Barry Goldwater, the fate of the Modern Republican Party was sealed. They've become total and incoherent shills of billionaires and transnational monopolies. And, tragically, they seem to be taking some Democrats and much of this once-great country with them."
Doesn't answer my question but it's a good observation.
This is exactly how terrorism has worked, at least since the Russian Nihilists in the nineteenth century. You didn't see Gerry Adams or Yasir Arafat strapping bombs to themselves- no, they were content to stand on the sidelines and incite violence knowing full well that eventually someone unstable enough would carry out their sick fantasies. Even the plotters of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand were manipulated and supplied by the Serbian army. This is always the pattern, and if these people continue their incitement, we will see it here too.