More Delightful News From South of the Border

Read it and weep:

"Nearly 50 candidates and public figures have been assassinated in the run up to Mexico’s 2010 state elections. Former presidential candidate Diego Fernández de Cevallos, major leader of the ruling PAN party, was kidnapped on May 16 and has not been heard from since. Three days ago, Rodolfo Torre, the odds on winner for governor in the state of Tamaulipas, was murdered in a highway ambush. Torre’s murder represents the highest ranking politician of the 50 assassinations this election cycle.

The political murders by the drug cartels are not focused on one party. The Los Angeles Times suggested that the goal may be to create chaos and elevate the drug cartel control over the entire Mexican political system."

(Emphasis mine)...I know that most people were highly skeptical a few months ago when I started suggesting that Mexico was in danger of becoming a failed narco-state like Afghanistan. Well, here we go. Barack, maybe it's about time you forgot about the lost war twelve thousand miles away, and worried a little more about this.


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