I Disagree With Kos

From Daily Kos today:

"Breitbart Was the Problem, Not "Bloggers"

Sorry, Breitbart was not the problem. The problem is the mainstream press which for three decades now has virtually promised Republicans that no matter how stupid, dishonest and dangerous their claims are, they will be treated as though they were absolutely reasonable.

Until the press starts telling the truth, this country is sunk. And unfortunately, I don't have a clue what would make them do that. Particularly unless the Democrats get some guts and start telling the truth themselves.


Silverfiddle said…
The press has a problem in that its credibility is shot, oddly, with both ends of the spectrum. So the righties go to Fox and the lefties to MSNBC, and CNN goes down the tubes trying to play it down the middle.

Speaking of the Daily Cause, did you see the article urging all liberals to support the 2nd Amendment? It's very well written

(O)CT(O)PUS said…
Green Eagle, you might want to check this out.

BTW, beware the the above commenter (you know why).
magpie said…
Ah the obscenity, cowardice, fetishism and sheer delusion that is the gun addiction. If you think THAT is 'freedom', you're in more trouble than you know.
However I think Mr Eagle disagrees with me on this....
On the other hand, he can be assured I won't shoot him over it.

Interesting: http://www.wvgazette.com/Opinion/201006130342

On topic, however...
Mr Eagle is absolutely right. Challenging "stupid, dishonest and dangerous claims" is the professional duty of journalism. But thanks to certain chains of ownership, that duty has been forgotten.
Or willfully deserted.
Silverfiddle said…
Obscenity, cowardice, fetishism, delusion... At first I thought you were going to talk about the collapse of enviro-fascism.

And I assure you, Magpie, that I have never in my life shot anyone for disagreeing with me.
magpie said…

I hadn't heard that term before. Let me guess... is that a hatred of pollution, toxic fumes and oil spills? Hmmm... Good luck with that one, sport.

Of course, with the press being what it is these days... you'll probably get airplay with it.
Green Eagle said…
"I think Mr Eagle disagrees with me on this...."

Research done a few years ago has demonstrated that gun ownership was not widespread in this country before the civil war.

During the civil war, a huge armaments industry sprung up to supply both sides in what has been called the first modern war. After the war, these companies were not content to shrink back to their pre-war size, and so they began a huge (and sadly successful) campaign to convince the American people that they needed to own guns. Out of this corporate propaganda grew the modern gun rights movement, which has never served anyone but the gun manufacturers, and which is supported largely by the usual right wing suckers, who have deluded themselves into thinking that they are standing up for freedom when all they are really doing is helping the rich become even richer.
magpie said…
That's an interesting historical perspective.
Silverfiddle said…
that is interesting, Green Eagle.

Despite the corporatist propaganda, half the adult population still does not own a firearm. I guess they need to amp up the campaign.

Yes, we suckers are helping the rich get richer... when we buy a car, cosmetics, TVs or any other consumer product.

I don't know of any poor people selling large volumes of products, so by definition, every time someone buys something, he or she is making the rich richer.

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